What is acne? And how to get rid of it?
When your hair follicles become clogged with oil or dead skin cells, it leads to acne.
Acne can get severe due to inflammation or build up of bacteria. Not treating acne on time, can lead to dark-spots (hyper-pigmentation) or acne scars. Whether it is hormonal acne, adult acne, the products show fast results only if its given based on the type of acne.
Wondering which acne cream to use? First know the type of those pimples.
To understand the type of acne and the severity, your skin has to be visually checked. This can be done by a dermatologist seeing your skin in-person or through a photo.
At CureSkin, our dermatologists will review your photos to give the right treatment and products to use.
Know the type of your acne from the photos and get treatment given by dermatologists.
See results in weeks!