How To Remove Tan From Your Hands and Feet?


Hands and feet go through constant exposure to dust, sun and whatnot! Covering them is not always an option as it could interfere with your everyday work. If you’re wearing shoes, then it’s in contact with sweat and moisture. While working in the kitchen, washing vessels can make your skin dry, which eventually makes it appear darker. Unfortunately, most of your daily activities can cause tanning on your hands and feet and make them turn darker.

What are the Causes of Tanning?

Few factors that lead to the darkening of your hands and feet are:

  • Exposure to sun rays makes your hands and feet turn dark.
  • Hormonal changes in the body.
  • Contact with detergents and chemicals while washing clothes and vessels.
  • Diabetes can cause the darkening of hands and feet too.
  • Moisture and sweat in your shoes can infect cuts and cause inflammations that could lead to the darkening of your hands and feet.

How Can You Remove Tan From Your Hands & Feet?

Given below are a few things you can do to remove tan from these areas easily. 

  • Exfoliation can be beneficial as it helps get rid of dead skin cells. Use gentle exfoliants that do not cause skin irritation.  
  • After a long day, fill hot water in a bucket and add some rock salt. Put your feet in and stay there till the water gets cold. Then, take your feet out, wipe them and apply a moisturizer. 
  • Never skip applying sunscreen on your hands and feet along with your face.
  • Cover your hands and feet with gloves and socks respectively to avoid exposure to the harmful ultraviolet sun rays. 
  • If possible, avoid stepping out in peak hours when the sun rays are the harshest, i.e. 10:00 am till 4:00 pm. 
  • Use hand and foot depigmenting creams prescribed by your Dermatologist. It helps get rid of excess melanin that causes skin pigmentation. 

Natural Remedies

  • Take some milk and add a few drops of lemon extract to it. Apply this on the darkened areas of your skin and let it rest for 15-20 mins before you wash it off.
  • Honey and sugar are known to be good exfoliators for your skin. Mix both and slowly move your hand in a circular motion on the darkened areas of your hands and feet. Wash it off and apply a good moisturiser to the area.
  • Mix orange peel powder with milk and apply it over the darkened areas to reduce skin darkening.

How to Prevent Tanning of Your Hands and Feet?

There are certain things you can do to avoid darkening of the skin, which are:

  • Cover your hands and feet if possible when you’re out for long periods.
  • Remember to drink a good amount of water to keep your skin hydrated.
  • Stay in the shade, don’t expose your hands and feet to the sun if you can.
  • Apply sunscreen on your hands and feet if you’re going outside.
  • Try wearing covered shoes instead of crocs, slippers if you’re going to be out in the sun for long.
  • Regular exfoliation and moisturising can prevent tanning. 
  • Wear gloves while driving, washing and cleaning.

Summing Up

Unlike the face, hands and feet are often the most neglected parts of a body. Most of us focus only on the face and forget to care for hands and feet. However, they, too, go through a lot and deserve care. You can follow the tips mentioned above to reduce and prevent tanning. Once you start following the tips discussed in the blog, you may begin noticing the difference. Also, ensure that you have a healthy diet and stay hydrated. If you are facing any issues or have concerns related to tanning, reach out to a dermatologist. 


The natural remedies mentioned in the blog are the widely popular ones. It is in no way a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Avoid using these if you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies. 

Before trying any natural remedy, always test a small quantity on your skin to check for any adverse reactions or allergies to any particular ingredient. In case of emergency or any reaction, immediately connect with a doctor who can offer proper treatment.


  1. Can tanning be removed  instantly?

It’s hard to wait patiently when all you can see is tanning on your skin. However, nothing happens instantly. You need to give the treatment and remedies some time to work. Talk to a dermatologist for better clarity. 

  1. Can coffee help remove tan?

When it comes to natural remedies, they could be popular, cheaper and readily available. However, there’s no clinical evidence to support the claim that coffee aids in removing tanning. Before using any natural remedy, make sure that you aren’t allergic to any of the ingredients. 

  1. Can lemon darken skin?

Lemon should never be applied to the skin directly as it can be harmful to your skin. It may react differently on every skin, but most people often complain of skin irritation. Do not follow any information blindly; always consult a dermatologist. 

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Picture of Chaitra K

Chaitra K

I’m a Skin Care Enthusiast from Bangalore, a writer here @CureSkin teamed up with Expert Dermatologists to spread awareness on the right kind of skin and hair care for men and women. Inspiring people to explore the skin and hair care that suits their need and help them look and feel beautiful is my full-time job. Skin & hair problems affect every person's self-esteem and confidence. Hence I love helping people by giving them the best information about skin and hair health with my writing, driven by the BEST Dermatologists.