Can dandruff cause acne? –  Cause & Treatment of Acne due to Dandruff

acne due to dandruff

Acne, a persistent skin condition affecting millions worldwide, often has underlying causes that extend beyond hormonal changes and genetics. Surprisingly, one such cause could be dandruff. Can dandruff cause acne? Yes. Understanding the relationship between dandruff and acne is crucial for effective treatment of acne due to dandruff. In this comprehensive guide by Dr. Charu Sharma, Head of Dermatology at Cureskin, we understand about face acne due to dandruff and explore how to cure acne due to dandruff.

Dandruff, characterized by flaky scalp and itching, might seem confined to the hair, but its repercussions extend far beyond. Here’s how dandruff can trigger acne:

  1. Excess Oil and Dead Skin Cells: Dandruff leads to excess oil and dead skin cells that can clog pores, leading to acne breakouts. When you have dandruff, your scalp produces excess sebum oil to compensate for dryness. This oil mixes with dead skin cells from dandruff and can transfer to your face, clogging pores and leading to facial acne due to dandruff
  2. Spread of Acne-Causing Bacteria: Seborrheic dermatitis, the medical term for severe dandruff, causes itchy rashes and flakes on the scalp. These flakes can spread acne-causing bacteria from the scalp to the face via touch, leading to breakouts on cheeks, chin, and forehead acne due to dandruff
  3. Worsening Existing Acne: Even if you already have acne, dandruff can make it worse by clogging pores further and spreading more bacteria to the affected areas.

Moreover, dandruff can cause fungal acne, also known as pityrosporum folliculitis. 

Can dandruff cause acne

How dandruff shampoo treat fungal acne?

Yes! Here’s how. Dandruff is caused by an overgrowth of Malassezia yeast on the scalp. This same yeast can also overgrow in hair follicles on the face, leading to fungal acne. The yeast clogs pores and causes small, itchy bumps that resemble acne but don’t respond to traditional acne treatments. That’s why at Cureskin, the dermatologist prescribes treatment kit for acne due to dandruff to pace up the healing.

Acne caused by dandruff can occur on various parts of the body, including:

  • Face: Dandruff flakes can fall on the face, particularly on the forehead, cheeks, and chin, leading to acne breakouts.
  • Scalp: The scalp is the most affected area due to dandruff, causing itchy and scaly conditions that can lead to acne.
  • Back: Dandruff-related acne can also occur on the back, chest, and shoulders.
  • Forehead: Acne caused by dandruff is often seen along the hairline and on the forehead.

How do you know if dandruff is causing acne?

It can be difficult to identify if acne is caused by dandruff for a few key reasons:

  • Dandruff and acne often occur together during hormonal changes like puberty, making it hard to pinpoint the exact cause. The increased oil production that triggers both conditions happens at the same time.
  • Acne has many potential causes beyond just dandruff, including hormones, diet, stress, medications, and cosmetic products. So acne may persist even after treating dandruff.
  • The acne caused by dandruff is usually small, grouped pimples along the hairline and forehead. However, this pattern is not exclusive to dandruff-related acne.
  • Dandruff flakes and oil from the scalp can transfer to the face, especially the forehead, cheeks, and chin. This spread of yeast and dead skin cells can clog facial pores and worsen existing fungal acne.
how to cure acne due to dandruff

How to treat acne due to dandruff?

Treating the underlying dandruff is key to clearing up acne caused by it. Consulting a dermatologist such as those on Cureskin app can help determine the best treatment plan for your specific case. You can download the Cureskin app on both Android and iOS.

  • Limit Use of Harsh Products: Limit the use of medicated shampoos and skincare products to a few times per week as these can be drying. Patch test first to check for irritation.
  • Maintain Hair Hygiene: Keep hair off your face to avoid transferring dandruff flakes and bacteria. Brush hair regularly to remove dead skin cells before they fall onto your face.

Common Mistakes People Make When Treating Acne Caused by Dandruff

  • Using harsh shampoos or skincare products that strip natural oils, causing the body to overproduce oil and worsen both dandruff and acne. That’s why it’s best to use products prescribed by dermatologists.
  • Tying hair in a ponytail can spread oil and dandruff flakes from the scalp to the face.
  • Scratching an itchy scalp can worsen dandruff and potentially lead to acne.
  • Not washing your face regularly to remove dandruff flakes and excess oil that can clog pores and cause acne.
  • Applying hair conditioner directly on the scalp instead of just on the hair strands can leave oily residues that worsen dandruff.
  • Using hair styling products that make hair either too oily or too dry, as both conditions can attract dandruff and clog pores.
  • Washing hair with your head upside down, as dandruff can then settle on the forehead and face.

In conclusion, understanding the relationship between dandruff and acne is important for effective management. By adopting proper hair and skincare practices and seeking professional guidance when necessary, you can alleviate acne due to dandruff and restore clear, healthy skin. Remember, a holistic approach that includes both scalp and facial care is key to combating this common yet often overlooked skin condition.



Picture of Dr. Charu Sharma

Dr. Charu Sharma

Dr. Charu Sharma, a renowned dermatologist with 17+ years of experience, leads the dermatology department at Cureskin. She is an expert in treating various skin and hair concerns, having previously held leadership roles at VLCC, Manipal Cure and Care, and Rinafihealda. Dr. Sharma holds qualifications from India, UK, and USA, and is a member of the esteemed IADVL.