5 Reasons Why Your Skin Type Doesn’t Matter

different skin types

Be it personality, clothes, colours or a favourite band member, everyone knows their type and takes it as a badge of honour. Similarly, you either know or must have put in a lot of effort to figure out your skin type. With every article, video or social media echoing the importance of skin type, anyone would want to be aware of their type. 

However, you may not realise that skin types, regardless of their importance, aren’t the only way to attain healthy skin. Several aspects together play a vital role in deciding what will work for your skin. Therefore, it’s essential to stop typecasting yourself into normal, dry, sensitive or combination skin. Your skincare goes way beyond that. 

Here are Some of the Reasons Why Your Skin Type Doesn’t Matter

Reason #1

You Might Misjudge Your Skin Anyways

It’s not easy to find out skin type. A lot of factors such as genetics, climate, diet, and lifestyle affect your skin. It can also change over time. You may have oily skin during summers and dry in winters. On the other hand, your skin can turn a combination of both during spring and fall as your skin adapts to the season change.  

However, an accurate way of knowing it is by getting advice from a professional. Unless you consult a dermatologist, you will not be able to diagnose your exact skin type and needs. 


Reason #2

Your Skin Depends On Your Age & Genetics

Your skin type changes with age, and it is especially true if you’re a woman. Your skin is more acidic when you are younger but turns basic as you age. For those unaware, healthy skin is more on the acidic side. With more acidity, your skin can combat harmful microbes that may increase the process of ageing.

Your genetics most likely determines your skin type. Just as you inherit traits from your parents and grandparents, such as the colour of your eyes, hair, and body type, you inherit skin type too. Pay attention to your family tree; it can help you know your skin better.


Reason #3

Your Skin Depends a Lot on Your Lifestyle

skin type depends on lifestyle

Your lifestyle, which includes aspects such as the food you eat, your sleep cycle, and physical activity, also influence your skin type. For instance, frequent intake of processed foods, smoking and excess alcohol can lead to inflammation in your body, leaving your face with unwanted skin changes, including dark circles and acne. 

Additionally, sun exposure, sleep hours, your state of mood, period, stress are a few other factors that impact your skin condition. The climate in your area and the extent of pollution can affect your skin too. Be mindful of what you can change to help your skin in the long term.


Reason #4

Skin Condition Isn’t Skin Type

Sensitivity in your skin might be because of your smoking habit. Therefore, using products meant for sensitive skin won’t help fix your issues. If you have acne during periods, it doesn’t mean your skin has changed. It’s still the same as before. The skin condition is more of a temporary thing as compared to skin type. You need to find specific products for your skin type and condition. If you aren’t noticing any improvement, you might be ignoring the root cause.


Reason #5

Skin is Way More Complicated Than You Think

Skin is the largest organ in a body which does a lot more than you think. Your skin acts as a mirror that reflects your internal health, which includes underlying conditions or diseases. While some skin problems can be temporary, some are permanent. If you’re not a skin expert, it isn’t easy to understand what your skin might be trying to communicate. 

Leave it to the Experts

customised skincare products by CureSkin

It’s a great thing to learn about skin type and needs, but that doesn’t make anyone an expert. Doing everything yourself and trying to comprehend the meaning behind your skin issues is where things could go wrong. You need to speak to a dermatologist because no one knows your skin better!! 


1. Why is everyone’s skin quite different?

The basic structure of the skin is the same for everyone. However, the reason it’s different is due to various factors such as genes, ethnicity, climate, health conditions, sun exposure and smoking. These factors determine your skin and also create the differences that lead to everyone having unique skin.  

2. Which skin type is the best?

Every skin type is wonderful. It’s essential to work on your skin issues and ensure that it stays healthy and glowing. 

3. Can diet change your skin type?

There is no denying that diet hugely affects the skin. If you have a lot of refined carbohydrates and processed foods, your skin can face issues such as inflammation, acne and other problems. 

4. What does oily skin look like?

Oily skin, as the name suggests, has a greasy or shiny appearance most of the time. 

Get your skin concerns checked by a dermatologist with a tap on your phone.



Picture of Dr Jisha Gomez

Dr Jisha Gomez

She is a highly skilled dermatology physician with strong expertise in improving skin & hair health through the development of corrective treatment combinations. She completed her Post-graduate Diploma in Dermatology from Cardiff, UK & Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine (FAM) from the Institute of Laser and Aesthetic Medicine, Delhi with over 5+ years experience treating skin patients. She has worked in Government hospitals in Trivandrum and Bangalore. She is actively involved in creating awareness for healthy skin, breaking the social stigma based on skin colour & stopping steroid abuse in our country.