Dark Circles: How To Get Rid of Them?

dark circles

You seem tired or I guess you’re over-exhausted may seem like familiar statements for those with under-eye dark circles. You may try to hide your dark circles, but they will somehow end up making an appearance, especially on occasions you don’t want them to. People usually presume dark circles to be a sign of fatigue or lack of sleep, but there’s more to it. As there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, knowing how to get rid of dark circles involves identifying the underlying cause. 

Did You Know? 

You’ll be surprised to know that apart from adults, even children can get dark circles under the eyes because of an imbalanced diet or lifestyle factors.

Why Do Dark Circles Appear Only Under the Eyes?

You may usually notice dark circles under the eyes as the skin there is thinner, and it also has less fat, making the blood vessels more prominent. Your body’s well-being is clearly indicated or sometimes given away by the state of the under-eye region. The facial bone structure and genetic traits are some of the foremost reasons why dark circles are more or less prominent.

What Causes Under-Eye Dark Circles?

The root cause that leads to dark circles is the lack of proper blood circulation in our system. Given below are some of the reasons: 


Extreme exhaustion and erratic sleep schedule are one of the major causes of dark circles under the eyes. Lack of sleep turns your skin dull and pale, resulting in showcasing dark tissues and blood vessels beneath your skin. 

Medical Conditions

At times, dark circles can be due to underlying health conditions. For example, there are asthma and allergies, which often lead to swollen eyes and itching. It increases the dark circles in a short period. Apart from this, certain skin conditions like eczema and uneven skin pigmentation can also cause dark circles. 



Sometimes the medications that you consume can also affect your blood vessels. It is always better to consult with your doctor regarding medications that can dilate blood vessels to avoid the appearance of dark circles.

Correlated to Other Health Issues 

Dark circles sometimes act as symptoms/signs that doctors analyse while diagnosing diseases related to your body. For example, when the kidneys or the liver malfunction, one of the first effects they have is on the blood circulation, which shows up as dark circles. 

Vitamin Deficiencies

There are specific vitamin deficiencies, such as low levels of vitamin K, which can also trigger dark circles. 


With age, you start losing fat and collagen that help maintain your skin’s elasticity. The skin also turns thinner as you get older. Consequently, the dark blood vessels beneath your skin become more visible, causing the under eye area to darken. 

Can Smoking Cause Dark Circles Under the Eyes?

Smoking can damage your skin as it harms the collagen (protein structure in the skin), which helps maintain firmness. As the skin loses elasticity, commonly known as elastosis, it can lead to ageing and dark circles.

Are Dark Circles Hereditary?

Your genes can partly take the blame for your dark circles as it is hereditary. As mentioned earlier, genetic traits like facial bone structure highly influence the occurrence of dark circles.

How Can You Get Rid of Dark Circles?

Medical Treatment For Dark Circles

Upon examining, a dermatologist may recommend topical creams which contain depigmenting agents such as kojic acid, glycolic acid, niacinamide, etc. Your doctor can also suggest topical vitamin C creams. 

Home Remedies to Reduce Under-Eye Dark Circles

Get Some Good Sleep 


To avoid dark circles under the eyes, ensure that you’re getting around 7-8 hours of good quality sleep. Adding extra pillows under your head can also be beneficial. 

Use Sunscreens 

Make sunscreens an indispensable part of your skincare routine if you wish to protect your skin from damage caused by sun exposure. 

Avoid Alcohol & Caffeine

If you want the dark circles to go away, the best would be to avoid alcohol and caffeine consumption as much as possible.

Can Dark Circles Go Away Through Laser treatment?

Yes, laser treatment can be helpful to get rid of dark circles. This treatment aids in getting rid of old damaged skin to reveal younger and brighter skin underneath.

Laser is one of the few treatment options that professionals recommend for under-eye dark circles, but they stress the risk factors involved, especially as it is near the eyes. Knowing all this, patients with dark circles can make an informed decision.

Summing Up

Dark circles are common and harmless. However, for some people, things may not be as simple. Constant scrutiny and remarks can hamper their life and self-confidence. Keep in mind that it’s not a life-threatening or serious health condition, and there are ways to eliminate them. Speak to a doctor who can evaluate and share the ideal treatment for you. Finally, always remember that you are beautiful regardless of the dark circles. Let no person or judgement define beauty and your life. 


1. Can dark circles go away permanently?

Dark circles under your eyes can permanently go away, but it would depend on your condition. There are various home remedies and medical treatment options that help get rid of dark circles. Therefore, it is best to consult a medical professional who can suggest a suitable treatment.

2. Can vitamin C help with under-eye dark circles?

Yes, vitamin C can be helpful for dark circles. You can include it through food sources, supplements or products that contain vitamin C. Some of the food sources with vitamin C are lemon, oranges, grapes, tomatoes, bell peppers and cauliflowers. Talk to your doctor if you need supplements or not. 

3. How much time will it require to remove dark circles?

Every person and their condition is different. Hence, it’s tough to suggest a specific time as it will be different for everyone. Only a doctor can examine and give you an idea regarding the duration and outcome. 

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Picture of Dr Jisha Gomez

Dr Jisha Gomez

She is a highly skilled dermatology physician with strong expertise in improving skin & hair health through the development of corrective treatment combinations. She completed her Post-graduate Diploma in Dermatology from Cardiff, UK & Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine (FAM) from the Institute of Laser and Aesthetic Medicine, Delhi with over 5+ years experience treating skin patients. She has worked in Government hospitals in Trivandrum and Bangalore. She is actively involved in creating awareness for healthy skin, breaking the social stigma based on skin colour & stopping steroid abuse in our country.