Glowing Skin Diet: What to eat to make your skin glow?

Food for Glowing skin

Glowing skin is something that features on top of almost everyone’s priority list. Dull looking skin is a major blow to anyone’s appearance. Hence, you could constantly look for ways to get glowing skin and give everything a try to make it possible. No one would decline a chance to get better looking, healthy and naturally glowing skin. Though there are various ways to get glowing skin, we’ll be discussing how diet can aid in attaining glowing skin.  

Glowing Skin Doesn’t Mean Perfect Skin 

Glowing skin could have varied interpretations. Some may consider glowing skin to be the ones that you see on television or commercials. It creates a picture in your head regarding perfect skin. However, that’s not true as there’s nothing called perfect or flawless skin. What you see on the screen goes through editing, lighting and various other techniques to look perfect. Your skin can be glowing and healthy while also having wrinkles, fine lines and visible pores.

What Makes the Skin Glow?

  • A natural glow on the skin appears mostly when young and healthy skin is exposed to air and allowed to breathe.
  • It means that the pores on the skin are often clean and unclogged.
  • Pores are tiny openings on the surface of your skin which contain a hair follicle and sebaceous glands that produce an oily substance known as sebum. In the right amounts, this sebum on the face helps give it a healthy glow and stops the skin from seeming dry and rough.
  • One thing to keep in mind is the fragility of the skin and how easily it can be affected by external influences that can make it look dull and damaged.
  • Sun exposure, hectic lifestyles, improper sleep patterns, and smoking are significant contributors to dull and unhealthy looking skin. However, your diet plays an even more prominent role in how your skin looks.

How to Get Glowing Skin Through Diet?

A healthy diet inclusive of certain fruits and vegetables available locally can show a lot of improvement in your skin condition.


fruits for glowing skin

  • These include fruits like oranges, papaya, banana and even guava.
  • Fruits rich in vitamin C are known for their collagen producing properties.
  • By boosting the production of collagen, they help in keeping the skin young and supple looking.
  • Fruits also tend to have the ability to flush toxins out of the system.
  • Since toxins are often the reason for unhealthy looking skin, removing them from the body showcases an immediate improvement in skin condition.


vegetables for glowing skin

  • Any vegetable with antioxidant properties helps make your skin healthy.
  • For instance, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, and any green leafy vegetable are excellent dietary supplements for glowing skin.
  • They aid in oxygenating our system, increasing oxygen supply to more skin cells. It leads to better rejuvenation and cell regrowth.
  • Additionally, protein providing diets can also help achieve glowing skin because proteins like collagen are necessary for renewing skin.
  • There are certain nuts such as almonds and walnuts that can boost glowing skin.

That Glow Though!!

Wouldn’t you love this description about your skin? The truth is anyone would. However, that doesn’t come easy to all. Glowing skin requires care and commitment from your side. Diet is one of the easiest and most effective  ways to achieve it. Focus on food sources that are seasonal and locally available. Follow a good skincare routine with the right skincare products. Maintain adequate water intake and stay stress-free. These small steps can be highly beneficial in achieving a healthy and natural glow on your skin. 


1. Can you get glowing skin overnight?

The secret to a healthy way of achieving glowing skin is understanding that it cannot happen overnight. If it promises to do so, it most often would have undesirable side effects. The beauty of a healthy diet is that it works slowly but well.

2. What can you drink to get glowing skin?

The simplest way remains plain water that can help hydrate your skin and eliminate toxins from your body. You can also include herbal teas such as black tea, ginger tea and green tea. 

3. How to get glowing skin naturally at home?

Consume a balanced diet that includes vegetables and fruits with all essential nutrients required for your body. Also, drink lots of water. Various homemade masks are widely popular, but you need to be sure that you aren’t allergic to any of the ingredients. 

4. Is it possible to get glowing skin by yoga?

There are various yoga postures and practices which do indeed promise glowing skin, and people have proclaimed its effects. However, there’s no evidence to prove it and there’s no harm in trying yoga. The only thing to ensure would be that you do the postures correctly and practice yoga the right way, under the guidance of an expert.

Want beautiful, glowing skin? You don’t have to look any further. Download the CureSkin App now by clicking here to get flawless, glowing skin. It’s easy, fast and affordable!



Picture of Dr Jisha Gomez

Dr Jisha Gomez

She is a highly skilled dermatology physician with strong expertise in improving skin & hair health through the development of corrective treatment combinations. She completed her Post-graduate Diploma in Dermatology from Cardiff, UK & Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine (FAM) from the Institute of Laser and Aesthetic Medicine, Delhi with over 5+ years experience treating skin patients. She has worked in Government hospitals in Trivandrum and Bangalore. She is actively involved in creating awareness for healthy skin, breaking the social stigma based on skin colour & stopping steroid abuse in our country.