Turn Damaged Hair Into Beautiful & Healthy Hair

Damaged Hair

One of the first things that you notice as you meet someone is their hair. However, not all of us have smooth, shiny and bouncy hair which is naturally appealing to the eyes. It results in straightening, trying new hairstyles, chemical treatments, products and anything to make your hair look perfect. It may give you short term results but can be damaging to your hair. You can also notice split ends, frizzy hair, tangles, dry hair, and hair fall. In this blog, you’ll get to know everything about hair damage, the different types, causes, and ways to repair it. 

Let’s do a quick check. Look/feel your hair and see if you can find the following signs.

  • Hair feels dry and rough
  • Excess hair fall
  • Hair has split ends, is frizzy and tangled 
  • brittle and dull hair

In case your answer to any of the above is ‘Yes,’ you have damaged hair. 

What Causes Hair Damage? 

a. Over Brushing Hair

Contrary to common perception, brushing several times a day or over-brushing can damage your hair. You can use a wide-toothed comb and be gentle when you comb your hair. 

b. If You Aren’t Taking Regular Haircuts

If you are someone who isn’t regular with haircuts, split ends can develop. Hence, regular haircuts are necessary to maintain strong and healthy hair. 

c. Improper Diet

People deficient in some essential nutrients may have weak, dry, dull hair and hair loss. A diet rich in protein, iron, biotin, zinc, and Vitamin D can promote healthy hair. You can include eggs, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, and green leafy vegetables in your diet. 

Stress Can Also Damage Hair

Our hair can get damaged due to stress as well. People with extreme levels of stress can face conditions such as the following.

Telogen Effluvium

Due to severe stress, the hair follicles reach a resting phase. The hair becomes loose from the scalp and later starts falling while washing or combing hair. 

Alopecia Areata

Various factors could cause alopecia areata, one of them being stress. In this condition, the immune system of the body attacks the hair follicles leading to hair loss. 

Different Types of Hair Damage

a. Damage from Chemical Dyes

As cool as it seems to dye your hair, it can be harmful too. The pigments (colours) in hair dyes can take away all the moisture, making hair dry and rough. It is better to dye less often and choose a colour that’s three shades closer to your natural colour.

b. Damage Due to Heat Styling

The heat transfer during hairstyling (e.g. blow-drying and straightening) can open up the cuticle and affect hair porosity, i.e. the ability of hair to retain and absorb moisture. Always blow-dry from a distance of around six inches and use a heat protectant serum. 

c. Split Ends 

As the name suggests, split ends happen as the hair strand splits into two or more pieces. It can make hair brittle and prone to breakage. You can use serum, hair dusting, and conditioners to help fix split ends to a large extent.

d. Sun Damage

Like your skin, your hair gets affected by the sun too. Not that you have to stop going out entirely or avoid any form of contact with the sun, but excessive exposure can be harmful to your hair. It makes hair appear dry, discoloured, rough, thin, and dull. 

e. Mechanical Damage 

It includes rough handling/detangling of hair, tension caused by tight ponytails and braids etc. The hair appears thin, tangled, and with split ends. Be gentle with your hair while combing and detangling. Minimise or avoid hairstyles that put pressure on your scalp/hair.  

f. Damage Due to Hard Water

Hard water can damage your hair as minerals such as calcium and magnesium present in hard water start getting deposited in your scalp and hair. It makes hair dry, thin, tangled and rough. You can try a clarifying shampoo as it helps remove mineral deposits or install a water softener shower head that eliminates the minerals from the hard water. 

Things That You Can Do to Repair Your Damaged Hair


Regularly Trim Your Hair

Trim your hair every 6-8 weeks as it aids in removing and getting rid of split ends. If left untreated, split ends can make hair damaged, dry, and brittle. 


Essential Nutrients for Healthy Hair

Eating a diet rich in healthy fats, proteins, and vitamins makes hair lustrous and nourished. As per an article in Dermatology & Therapy (1), a diet deficient in nutrients like minerals, vitamins, proteins, and essential fatty acids can lead to hair loss and other kinds of hair damage. 


Follow a Good Hair Care Routine

Choose a gentle hair care routine. You should look for products that are free of parabens, sulfates, and alcohols etc. Wash your hair 2-3 times (per week) to remove sebum, dead skin, and dirt. For people with damaged hair, you can use various deep conditioning treatments available in the market.


Choose Hair Care Products Carefully

Always use hair care products that are appropriate for your hair type or issue. You can talk to your dermatologist to suggest products that would work for you. 

Hair Growth Oils to Repair Hair Damage

Coconut oil

It is a brilliant option if you have thick and dry hair. You can use it as a hair mask, deep conditioning treatment, or to nourish your scalp. Warm a small amount of the oil and massage it either before you shampoo as a pre-wash treatment or leave it overnight and rinse the following day. 

Almond oil

It is one of the lightest oils and is best for thin and fine hair. Take about two tablespoons of warm almond oil, massage it on your scalp and hair for a few minutes. Allow the oil to sit for about 15 minutes, and then shampoo. 

Olive Oil

You can use about a tablespoon or two of olive oil and massage it on your hair and scalp. Leave it for 15 or more minutes and wash with shampoo later. It is most beneficial for split ends, thick and dry hair. 

Quick Tips

  • If you are using any oil for the first time. Start with the smallest amount or maybe a tablespoon or two. 
  • The quantity of oil will depend on your hair length. 
  • Always choose an oil based on hair type. 

Homemade Hair Masks

Banana and Curd Hair Mask

Take one banana, add about 4 tablespoons of curd. Blend it and apply the mixture to your hair. Wash later with a gentle shampoo. Bananas have potassium, vitamins and magnesium etc. On the other hand, curd is an excellent source of zinc, calcium, and protein. It offers deep conditioning, turns hair strong and soft.

Eggs and Lemon Hair Mask

Eggs are a rich source of vitamins (C, A, E, and D) and proteins. Whereas lemons are known to have antifungal properties and help remove product residue on your hair.

Create a hair mask by using one egg and half a lemon. Apply the mixture and leave it for 30 minutes. Later, rinse with a mild shampoo. 

Summing Up

There are numerous reasons like bad hair care routines, heat styling and using chemical dyes, etc., that can damage hair. Always choose products suitable for your hair type and issue. 

We all want healthy and gorgeous-looking hair, but remember not to have unrealistic expectations too. Do talk to your doctor about hair concerns that might be bothering you. With proper treatment and products, you can surely see improvement. 


The natural remedies mentioned in the blog are the widely popular ones. It is in no way a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Avoid using these if you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies. 

Before trying any natural remedy, always test a small quantity on your skin to check for any adverse reactions or allergy to any particular ingredient. In case of emergency or any reaction, immediately connect with a doctor who can offer the right treatment. 



  1. How to fix damaged hair? 

You can fix damaged hair in the following ways:

  1. Have a healthy and balanced diet rich in proteins, iron, magnesium etc.
  2. Maintain a good hair care routine. 
  3. Remember to trim and oil your hair regularly.
  4. Select hair care products that are appropriate for your hair type and concerns.
  5. You can also create homemade masks with ingredients like bananas, eggs and olive oil etc., for healthy and damage-free hair. 

2. Is it possible to repair damaged hair?

Unfortunately, there is no way you can completely repair damaged hair. Hair isn’t a living tissue which means it has no living cells, blood or nervous system. Therefore, it cannot repair and heal itself. Good hair care habits, treatments and the right products can help improve your hair texture and reduce hair damage. 

3. How can you repair chemically damaged hair?

Given below are points to help you repair hair damage from chemicals. 

  1. Go easy on chemical treatments and give your hair some time to breathe. 
  2. Be careful while selecting hair care products. You can choose products that are created exclusively for chemically damaged hair.  
  3. Include hair masks that are super hydrating and deep conditioning
  4. Do not overwash your hair, and be gentle with it. 
  5. Look for oils that can help protect and nourish your hair. 



Picture of Chaitali Nayak

Chaitali Nayak

A writer and a skincare fanatic, Chaitali believes that words and kindness can transform the world. She has a master’s degree in Advertising & Public Relations and has worked for various advertising agencies and digital marketing firms. With the help of expert dermatologists at CureSkin, she works towards creating content that helps eliminate misinformation related to skincare. The aim is to educate yet bring something exciting and new every time for the readers. When not busy writing, you can find her talking to her plants, eating, drawing or watching movies.