How To Remove Chickenpox Scars From Face?


We all dreaded chickenpox as kids! If one friend got it, we all ended up with it. Has chickenpox left scars behind on your face? Even though the infection lasts only for a short period, the scars that it leaves behind can live on your face for a long time. If you want to get rid of these chickenpox scars from your face? This article is just for you.

Types of chickenpox scars

Chickenpox can leave open wounds that eventually dry out, forming scars on almost every part of your body. There are different kinds of chickenpox scars based on their appearance:

Sunken scars

Some chickenpox scars look sunken into your skin. In these cases, the collagen of your skin gets destroyed and does not let your scar heal properly.

Raised scars

Some scars get larger and raised where your skin is injured or infected.

Round Scars

These scars are primarily minor and have a red or brown texture.

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Best treatments for chickenpox scars

There are a few topical treatments available to get rid of chickenpox scars on your face. Check with your dermatologist to get the proper treatment for your scars. Today we discuss possible creams, in-clinic treatments and home remedies.

Chickenpox scar treatments using skin creams

Retinol creams

Studies suggest that medicated creams with retinol and glycolic acid are great for boosting your skin’s collagen. They help in removing acne scars too. However, retinols have to be strictly used under a doctor’s guidance.

Scar removal creams

Certain scar reduction creams can fade the pigmentation of your scar, giving your face a clean, smooth look.


Skin exfoliation using the right exfoliant helps remove the damaged skin cells and regenerates new skin cells. Check with your doctor to find the exfoliant that is right for your skin type and skin conditions.

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Professional Treatments for chickenpox scars

1. Scar Tissue Removal

During this procedure, the scar tissue is removed surgically using a scalpel. It is an intensive treatment, so opt for this treatment only if you have deep chickenpox scars.

2. Microdermabrasion

This is an effective chickenpox scar removal treatment. Here, the damaged tissue is removed using a rotating brush. This treatment is used for deeper scars.

3. Tissue fillers

Here, fillers like hyaluronic acid and fats are injected into your scar, fading out its appearance for a short period of time (around six months). This usually works on sunken spots.

4. Micro-needling

This one is what it sounds like. Needles are used to injure your scars. This will stimulate your collagen production and generate smooth skin in return. 

5. Skin grafting

This scar removal procedure involves transplanting skin from another part of your body onto your scars.

6. Chemical peels

Chemical peels are used to cause chemical reactions to your scars to regenerate new skin. Hence, the upper layer of the skin is removed, giving rise to fresh skin.

7. Laser therapy

This is one of the common treatments for chickenpox scars. High-intensity laser lights are used to improve your sunken, deep and old scars.

Home Remedies for Chickenpox Scars

There are specific natural home remedies that have proved to work on fading chickenpox scars in some cases. Please note, they are not effective as medical treatment. You can always give it a try under a doctor’s guidance.

Aloe vera

The antioxidant property of aloe vera works great on scars and fades out their appearance over time.

Vitamin E

This is preferred by many for fading out scars caused by chickenpox. But, studies show that vitamin E is not as effective as other methods.

Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is an antioxidant-rich, moisturising agent that helps fade out scars to give your skin a smooth look.

How To Prevent Chickenpox Scars?

As always, prevention is better than a cure! You can always follow some necessary measures to prevent chickenpox wounds from forming ugly scars. 

  • Avoid scratching wounds/blisters on your skin with nails or sharp materials.
  • Apply neem leaves around your blisters to get rid of the itchiness.
  • Apply moisturising creams/aloe vera gel on the blisters to make them less uncomfortable.
  • Have a bath with lukewarm water-soaked with neem leaves.
  • Consult your doctor and get the proper treatment.

The silver lining

It doesn’t hurt to put some effort into keeping your skin healthy, and your precious skin will reward you. In the case of significant scars, talk to a dermatologist for professional treatment. Take care of your skin because you are worth it!


1. Do Chickenpox Scars fade away on their own?

It depends on the severity of your chickenpox. Usually, mild chickenpox does not leave any permanent scar. It may take anywhere between 6 to 12 months for the scars to fade away completely. But, if your chickenpox was a bad bout, the scars may last much longer.

2. Are chickenpox marks permanent?

Chickenpox marks are not typically permanent. However, it is possible for them to last long if they get badly infected.

3. Is coconut oil good for chickenpox marks?

While coconut oil is a great moisturising agent, there are no comprehensive studies that show that it can definitely reduce scars from chickenpox.

4. How do you fade scars fast?

The quickest way to get rid of scars is through in-clinic treatments.

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Picture of Chaitra K

Chaitra K

I’m a Skin Care Enthusiast from Bangalore, a writer here @CureSkin teamed up with Expert Dermatologists to spread awareness on the right kind of skin and hair care for men and women. Inspiring people to explore the skin and hair care that suits their need and help them look and feel beautiful is my full-time job. Skin & hair problems affect every person's self-esteem and confidence. Hence I love helping people by giving them the best information about skin and hair health with my writing, driven by the BEST Dermatologists.