How To Treat Jock Itch or Khujli?

jock itch

Now a jock itch sounds pretty questionable. However, we are here to tell you that it is normal and can happen to anyone. Skin infections are indeed no joke! It can hamper your confidence and sometimes cause physical pain and irritation too. So, let’s tackle the situation today with some juicy information on what you need to know about a jock itch! 

What is jock itch, and where can it be seen?

It is a fungal infection on the skin. It mainly appears around the groin, buttocks or inner thighs. It primarily occurs in moist skin areas. Overweight people are susceptible to this disease since the chances of this fungal infection growing in folds of the skin are higher.

Jock itch symptoms

The symptoms used to identify this skin condition are relatively easy to spot.

  • They commonly occur in the regions near the groin, thighs or buttocks and can be distinguished by the red circular forms of rash that they form.
  • The skin within the ring is sometimes more evident than the boundary, which is often raised and prone to signs of dryness like cracking or peeling.
  • Unfortunately, this becomes a very uncomfortable skin disease to handle in public when it begins to itch persistently.

This is one of the main reasons why people afflicted with this skin condition must visit a dermatologist early to have it treated. 

Can a jock itch spread to other parts of the body?

Unfortunately, jock itch is amongst the most contagious skin conditions out there. So chances of it spreading to other parts of your body are high if you are careless when handling the infected region.

What causes jock itch?

People are often confused about how they come in contact with this disease, but one of its main characteristics is the ease with which it transfers from one place to another. This may be the case if people come in contact with people suffering from the condition or even with objects that have been in contact with infected people.

This only goes to show how contagious the jock itch can be!

Jock Itch diagnosis 

Diagnosis for jock itch can take different forms, but some of the easiest ways are under black light, skin biopsies or scrape tests.

  • Scraping a layer of the skin and examining it in the presence of potassium hydroxide helps isolate the fungal infection from the normal cells and makes it stand out.
  • Doctors sometimes take skin biopsies or scrape tests to determine the skin condition.
  • The most common method of detection is an observation by a skin specialist or a dermatologist.

How to prevent jocks itch?

There are many things you can do to prevent getting exposed to jock itch and contracting it.

  • Maintain a great sense of hygiene.
  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Wash the infected area regularly with soap.
  • Be sure to use clean, dry towels after bathing.
  • Keep the infected area dry and clean.
  • Try to wear loose clothes that do have good ventilation. Tight clothes can lead to higher chances of getting it.
  • Consider wearing boxers instead of briefs. 
  • Wash your innerwear and bedsheets separately with the help of an antiseptic solution.

These are just small steps you can take to contain the condition. 

Treatment options for jocks itch

As for treatment, doctors often recommend the use of the following:

  1. Topical creams with anti-fungal properties and ingredients like ketoconazole, terbinafine and econazole.
  2. If necessary, oral antifungals will be suggested, too, like fluconazole and itraconazole.
  3. Over-the-counter creams and antifungal powders are available for this condition.

The silver lining

Jock itch can put you in some embarrassing situations. But it is not too hard to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Take good care of yourself, and you will be alright! We promise you!

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1. Is it permanent? How long can jock itch last?

In no way is it a permanent condition. However, without care, it has been known to repeat in cycles. So, if you have the habit of using wet towels or bathing in public pools or showers and suffer from this skin condition, it is about time to change your lifestyle and refrain from such activities. Jock itch festers in moist and wet conditions, so the best preventive measure you can take is keeping the folds of your skin dry and clean.

2. Can jock itch happen to women?

Jock itch is one of those skin conditions that are more common in men than women since it appears to be more prone in the groin region. However, women can contract this disease too. Much of what triggers this condition is excessive sweating due to activity and bad hygiene in the skin folds. So although the chances of women being affected by jock itch are lesser, it cannot be written off.

3. Can it be sexually transmitted? Is Jock itch contagious?

There are possibilities of it being transferred from one person to another during sexual intercourse if one of them suffers from the condition. This is because jock itch can be transferable through skin-to-skin contact, making them more contagious.

4. Does jock itch peel when healing?

Being a fungal infection that is known to spread easily, it often only appears on the outermost layers of the skin. This means that during the healing process, it can exhibit peeling of the skin or even the scab, to reveal healthier skin underneath. So peeling is a good sign when it comes to the healing process of jock itches. However, do keep in mind that all kinds of peeling may not be healthy and is always best to get it checked by your dermatologist whenever in doubt.

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Picture of Dr Jisha Gomez

Dr Jisha Gomez

She is a highly skilled dermatology physician with strong expertise in improving skin & hair health through the development of corrective treatment combinations. She completed her Post-graduate Diploma in Dermatology from Cardiff, UK & Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine (FAM) from the Institute of Laser and Aesthetic Medicine, Delhi with over 5+ years experience treating skin patients. She has worked in Government hospitals in Trivandrum and Bangalore. She is actively involved in creating awareness for healthy skin, breaking the social stigma based on skin colour & stopping steroid abuse in our country.