Mild Acne: Things You Can Do to Get Healthy & Clear Skin


Despite being a common skin condition, acne has its variations too. There are different types of acne, and every type requires a specific action plan. To attain healthy, clear and glowing skin begins with understanding your skin and learning as much as you can about skincare. Dermatologists classify acne under three categories – mild, moderate and severe. Here, we will discuss mild acne, symptoms to identify it and how to treat them.

What Does Mild Acne Mean?

If you have occasional minor breakouts on your skin, you probably have mild acne. It is easier to treat as compared to other forms of acne. There is no specific skin type or age; anyone can get mild acne.

How to Identify Mild Acne?

  • Occasional eruptions of blackheads, whiteheads or papules (small pimples or bumps)
  • You may not have redness, inflamed skin or scarring.
  • It may appear on your face or body, such as chin, forehead, nose, shoulders and chest.
  • Remember not to take mild acne casually as it can worsen if not treated timely.

What Are the Causes That Lead to Mild Acne?

Not Paying Attention to Your Diet

A diet that’s not healthy and balanced may lead to several health issues, including acne. Avoid consuming high-glycemic foods. Include fresh fruits and vegetables as they comprise essential nutrients required to get healthy skin and body. 

Hormonal Imbalances

It can occur either during pregnancy, puberty or due to other factors too. As the hormones become imbalanced, they can cause acne on your skin.

Using Oily or Inappropriate Products on Your Skin

Products that can make your skin oily or have ingredients that aren’t suitable for your skin type can lead to mild acne.

Consuming Dairy or Dairy Products

In some cases, consuming milk or milk products can cause mild acne or breakouts on the skin.

Excess Androgen

Usually, people with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) have excess androgens or male hormones causing acne.

Though, it’s believed that acne generally happens to teens. The truth is anyone can have acne, including adults. Speak to a dermatologist to help identify your acne type and treatment based on that.

How to Treat Mild Acne?

Home Remedies That are Helpful to Treat Mild Acne 

Making the Right Food Choices

What you eat is extremely important to get healthy and clear skin. Removing or reducing high-carb and sugary food substances can help improve mild acne. Apart from this, it also aids in maintaining a good oil balance instead of excess sebum secretion. Some people face mild acne due to consumption of milk and whey protein. Consult with a doctor and remove it from your diet if advised to do so.

Reducing Your Stress Levels

Nobody likes stress, but that’s the harsh reality of the present scenario. Work, personal life and various other aspects lead to a stressful life. If possible, try to figure out things that can help lower stress levels, such as spending time in nature, talking to friends, yoga, listening to music, art or anything that makes you happy.  

A Good Skincare Routine

Use products that are ideal for your skin type and condition. Switch to products that are oil-free, light and non-comedogenic. Avoid scrubbing, exfoliating or using products that can irritate your skin.

Medically-Approved Treatment Options

Light Therapy

It is a non-invasive treatment that aids in killing acne-causing bacteria.

Prescription Medications

Depending on your condition, a dermatologist may suggest topical treatment or topical antibiotics. Your doctor may also recommend using retinoids for mild acne.

Treatment to Balance Your Hormones

For those dealing with hormonal imbalances, your doctor may ask you to take birth control pills or other medicines to balance your hormones and reduce acne.

Summing Up

Severe or mild, there is no parameter to which acne can bother you. Whatever be your case, reach out to a dermatologist if you’re concerned about your acne. A proper treatment plan, healthy diet and an ideal skincare routine can be immensely beneficial. Early diagnosis can help eliminate and prevent further worsening of mild acne and make your skin clear.


  1. Can drinking water help clear acne?

Proper water intake helps flush out toxins from the body, hydrates your skin and unclogs pores. Therefore, keep having water throughout the day for clear and healthy skin.

  1. What foods can cause acne?

Generally, food items such as refined grains, sugar, soda, and fast food may lead to acne. Some people get acne due to dairy or whey protein as well. These are some of the common examples but aren’t the only ones that cause acne. The way the body reacts to food items may vary for everyone. Hence, some food sources may work fine for you but can cause acne in others and vice-versa.

  1. Which is the best treatment option to get rid of acne?

The best acne treatment would depend on your condition, kind of acne and skin type. After examining your situation, a dermatologist will suggest a suitable option to treat your acne.



Picture of Chaitali Nayak

Chaitali Nayak

A writer and a skincare fanatic, Chaitali believes that words and kindness can transform the world. She has a master’s degree in Advertising & Public Relations and has worked for various advertising agencies and digital marketing firms. With the help of expert dermatologists at CureSkin, she works towards creating content that helps eliminate misinformation related to skincare. The aim is to educate yet bring something exciting and new every time for the readers. When not busy writing, you can find her talking to her plants, eating, drawing or watching movies.