Oiling your hair and all you need to know about it!


Did you know that there is a particular method to oiling your hair?

In India, oiling our hair has been an age-old tradition till today. However, we are not all doing it the right way.

In fact, you could be making pretty big mistakes that damage your hair or make the process of oiling counterproductive!

While the act of oiling your hair seems pretty simple and straightforward, there are a lot of factors to consider. So let’s get right into it. 

What kind of oil should you be using?

Choosing a particular oil for your hair mostly depends on your goal for using it in the first place. We all have different hair issues that we are battling, and sometimes oil is used for the general health of our hair. Here is a list of things to keep in mind:

  • Coconut oil – Of course, we have to start here as it is quite literally an ingredient found in most south Indian households. It is super versatile, and people use it for so many things like cooking, skincare products, and a great hair oil. It provides extensive conditioning and may also decrease protein loss in your hair. So it is excellent for general hair upkeep and moisturisation.
  •  Olive oil – Made out of olives, it is the healthy option for your stomach as well as your hair! It protects keratin, has natural antioxidants and can be used in place of a conditioner too! The important property here is that olive oil can help fight off dandruff when combined with lime juice.
  • Almond oil – Filled with nutrients like vitamin E, magnesium, fatty acids and proteins, almond oil can be used by those looking to reduce hair loss or grow their hair longer or faster.
  • Grapeseed oil – For those with brittle or dull and dry hair, grapeseed oil is a splendid choice. It contains emollients and antioxidants, which promote hair health.  
  • Argan oil – This oil can help tame frizzy hair! It conditions your hair to bring back its shine and helps protect your hair from harmful UV rays and sun exposure.

If you are uncertain about your scalp issues or how to treat them, it is always good to get a recommendation from a doctor beforehand. 

Should you massage oil into your hair? And how to?

A head massage never hurt anyone. We remember our mothers massaging our hair before our exams because they claimed that it would boost our mental capacity. We know for sure that massaging the scalp helps increase blood circulation in your head and stimulates hair follicles. This improves hair growth. Keeping that in mind, it is very easy to get carried away during a head massage and end up putting quite a lot of pressure and possibly even breaking strands of your hair or dislodging them from the hair follicle. So a gentle massage is what is recommended by most experts.

How often should you oil your hair?

This is a tough one for most of us, as different sources claim different things. It is crucial to keep in mind what kind of hair you have at the end of the day. If you have oily or thick curly hair, then oiling it once a week should be enough. With thin hair, you can oil twice a week as well. However, it is vital to go with what you feel your hair needs. If it feels overly dry and dull, then maybe it’s a good idea to oil it. A big no-no is oiling your hair every day. This is because while the oil will condition your hair, the shampoo required to take it off can dry your scalp and your hair. Your follicles can also get blocked with excess product. 

So what is this ‘right way’ to oil your hair?

There is nothing too fancy about the process of oiling your hair, so here goes!

  1. Always brush your hair first. This allows the process of oiling to go uninterrupted by knots and messy hair. 
  2. Heat the oil before use as warm oil penetrates the scalp better than cold oil. You don’t need it to be too hot, because you don’t want to burn yourself!
  3. Depending on the volume of your hair, you can then part your hair to reveal your scalp and start applying the oil to the scalp gently with your fingers or a soft piece of cotton.
  4. After the scalp is oiled, small amounts of the residue can then be used on the rest of your hair till the ends but make sure not to use too much as gravity will do its job anyway. 
  5. When the application is complete, a light massage with your fingertips in a circular motion is a great way to increase circulation and get the oil into your pores.
  6. After oiling, wrap your hair up in a soft, warm cloth as heat helps with the absorption of the oil. Then, let it do its magic.
  7. Two hours later, you are ready to wash it off! Some people keep their oil overnight, but this is unnecessary as the oil does its job in a couple of hours itself. 
  8. When washing the oil off, use a gentle shampoo and rinse. Do not use too much shampoo to get the oil out because that can result in your scalp drying up after all that trouble.

How can you go wrong when oiling your hair?

  • Do not keep oil on your hair for a very long time, thinking it will be more effective because, really, it just attracts dust and dirt.
  • Over massaging or aggressive massages can cause hair breakage and damage.
  • If you have skin conditions on your scalp, like psoriasis, dandruff, dermatitis or other issues, it is best to refer to your doctor before oiling your hair.
  • If using essential oils, don’t make the mistake of applying them directly to your scalp or hair, as they need to be mixed in with the regular carrier oil first.

 So there you go! 

The silver lining

It seems like something as simple as oiling your hair can also go wrong. But you don’t have to worry because we are right here to help you! And today, your questions have been answered, ‘all you need to know about oiling your hair and its Do’s and Don’ts’.


 The natural remedies mentioned in the blog are the widely popular ones. It is in no way a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Avoid using these if you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies. 

 Before trying any natural remedy, always test a small quantity on your skin to check for any adverse reactions or allergy to any particular ingredient. In case of emergency or any reaction, immediately connect with a doctor who can offer the proper treatment.


  1. When should I apply oil to my hair?

You can apply oil to your hair at any time. Just make sure that your scalp is clean and you are good to go!

2. Is it better to apply oil to wet hair or dry hair?

It is better to apply oil to dry hair as its ability to absorb more oil is higher.

3. Can too much oil damage hair?

Unfortunately, too much oil can damage the hair. This is because excess oil can throw off the natural oil balance of your hair. As the saying goes, ‘Too much of anything is more harmful than helpful.’ We say a good balance is key.

4. How can I use oil on my hair without getting a greasy look?

If you want to avoid the greasy look that comes with oiling your hair, you can use it like you use a conditioner in the shower. Before washing with shampoo, apply a little bit of oil to the ends of your hair where the most damage is. After 5 minutes, you can wash it off as it would have soaked into your hair.



Picture of Namya Naresh

Namya Naresh

An obsessive dreamer, vegetarian foodie and shy singer, Namya spends her time immersed in the world of Literature and Music. She is currently writing her first novel, advocating for mental health, self-love and bringing you your daily dose of skincare with CureSkin!