Permanent Pigmentation: How to avoid it


As human beings, we are flawed. Perfection is not meant to exist because it is not realistic. Our beauty lies within our tiny flaws. They make us unique and beautiful. So, bringing us all back to reality, let’s talk about permanent pigmentation and how you can possibly avoid it.

Ideal skin expectations are rarely met in real life like we would want them to. The airbrushed covers of magazines display women with perfectly even-toned and smooth skin, devoid of any blemishes that we find disrupting our skin in our everyday lives.

But, what is permanent pigmentation?

One of the most persistent skin conditions that pester people is an uneven skin tone caused by pigmentation. What do you do about the infuriating patches of skin on your face that are darker or lighter than the rest?

This is all determined by an essential part of our skin’s structure, which produces the pigment that gives us colour. Pigmentation is the term coined for this process, and it decides what colour appears on what part of our skin.

What is the pigment responsible for skin colour?

Pigmentation is essentially the colouring of our skin, hair, and retina that is caused by the production of a pigment. This particular pigment goes by the name of melanin, and cells known as melanocytes specifically produce it.

When does permanent pigmentation occur?

Healthy skin is reflected in an even distribution of this pigment throughout the face and body. On the other hand, any defects to the cells or melanin production may lead to targeted patches of irregularity or overall disruption in skin tone. This is often when pigmentation becomes a skin condition to be treated. Indians especially are subjected to this more. Some causes of pigmentations are as follows:

  1. Genetics
  2. Hormonal imbalance
  3. Sun exposure
  4. Wrong usage of skincare products
  5. Acne and eczema
  6. Allergic reactions
  7. Melasma
  8. Medication side effects

What happens if you have pigmentation issues?

There are three major types of skin disorders that are caused by such pigmentation irregularities. These are hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, and depigmentation. Although we may feel like pigmentation issues can be quickly addressed, this may not always be the case. 

Why you should see a dermatologist for your pigmentation problems

The guidance and advice of dermatologists and skin care specialists are often the best options to take, especially when battling skin conditions like pigmentation. This is because if left unchecked, this can become a permanent condition. These can never be sensed or diagnosed without the help of dermatologists. This is why an application like CureSkin can be of better assistance in combating permanent pigmentation.

What to do to avoid permanent pigmentation

Dermatologists often recommend a few essential solutions to pigmentation.

  • The use of sunscreen with a good Sun Protection Factor (SPF) whenever you are stepping out in the sun is highly recommended by our dermatologists because this can be the biggest enemy for the skin. Exposing your skin to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays (UV-A or UV-B) means allowing the formation of free radicals that can damage your cell structure and lead to hyperpigmentation.
  • The second biggest culprit for pigmentation on the face is hormonal imbalances. In this case, a possible presence of excess oestrogen can lead to the immune system unwantedly triggering the production of melanin, even though there is no actual need for it.
  • Using a hydrating moisturiser every day will help your skin remain healthy and supple. Healthy skin can enhance your skin’s lipid barrier, reducing damage from sun exposure.
  • Products containing vitamin C and kojic acid are great for breaking down pigmentation and keeping the skin healthy.
  • Use gentle products for your skin to avoid any damage from harsh chemicals and follow a daily skincare routine that suits your skin type.

Where does CureSkin come into the picture?

But this is easier said than done, especially for people living in more suburban cities. This is where an app like CureSkin can change the whole experience of skincare. CureSkin is an online skincare platform that provides dermatological solutions and cares through a mobile application.

The beauty of the application lies in its simplicity, where the user has to merely answer a set of questions and take a photograph of their skin condition for diagnostic purposes. And the result is that the app develops a customised skincare regimen for you that you can then purchase.

Additionally, it schedules call appointments with its certified dermatologists, who track your skin’s progress with regular photo updates and analyse the skin continually to achieve the best possible result. This consists of follow-up calls every two weeks till the customer is satisfied with their skin.

The silver lining

Pigmentation is quite common, and many of us have to deal with it at some point or the other in our lives. However, there are things that you can do to help your skin remain healthy and tough!


1. What is hypopigmentation?

This condition refers to when there is less melanin production in the skin, which leads to lighter skin colour than usual. This can appear as light patches on your face and skin.

2. What is hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation refers to an excess of melanin produced due to various factors resulting in dark patches on the skin.

3. What is depigmentation?

This refers to an absence or loss of pigment in the skin, hair or even retina.

4. How can I remove pigmentation permanently?

A dermatologist can perform many in-clinic procedures, like chemical peels or laser technology, to remove pigmentation from your face and skin.



Picture of Dr Jisha Gomez

Dr Jisha Gomez

She is a highly skilled dermatology physician with strong expertise in improving skin & hair health through the development of corrective treatment combinations. She completed her Post-graduate Diploma in Dermatology from Cardiff, UK & Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine (FAM) from the Institute of Laser and Aesthetic Medicine, Delhi with over 5+ years experience treating skin patients. She has worked in Government hospitals in Trivandrum and Bangalore. She is actively involved in creating awareness for healthy skin, breaking the social stigma based on skin colour & stopping steroid abuse in our country.