Stop ignoring your Hair Fall. Here are 5 reasons why

hair fall shampoo

When you ask someone what worries they have about their body and health, the topic of hair closely follows in that conversation. Hair growth and especially hair fall have grown to become a major concern in almost everyone’s life.

It is a rarity to find someone who claims to “not care” about their hair fall, as the truth is we all do. It’s easy to deny, but it does matter. However, there’s also ignorance and carelessness, which is the trickier part. Even after knowing that they are suffering from hair loss issues, people tend to ignore it until they can no longer afford to. 

How to Know if Your Hair Fall is Normal or Serious?

Since the phases of the hair growth cycle conclude with shedding, hair fall is termed to be a normal part of it and is natural. What is not so usual is the amount of hair fall experienced in that said period, and the type of hair loss makes a difference too. 

As per the American Academy of Dermatologists, losing around 50 to 100 hair strands is normal (1). For anything beyond that, you can share it with your dermatologist for clarity. 

There’s so much you can learn from being connected to your body. Once you start paying attention, you will realise how the body sends signs that indicate underlying conditions and changes. Noticing these signals can help us stay healthy and fit easily. 

Reasons You Should Never Ignore Your Hair fall

Genetics Can Cause Hair Fall

One of the first questions dermatologists ask when it comes to hair fall is regarding your genetic history. It is because your genes can very well determine the story of your hairline, and knowing that you suffer from hair loss is a significant reason for some digging into your family history. It is a well-known fact that thyroid-related issues are one of the foremost causes of hair fall. So it only makes sense that the deficiency of nutrients like selenium, which has antioxidant properties needed to take care of thyroid functions, can cause hair loss.

Iron Deficiency Can Be a Reason for Hair fall

It is undoubtedly one of the common causes of hair fall. Iron deficiency could range from anything from mild to anaemia which is commonly associated with fatigue. It equally affects hair growth because less oxygen reaches hair follicles. Without this, the hair growth cycle gets disrupted, causing follicles to rest and restrict growth.

Other Deficiencies Can Cause Hair Loss

Biotin (a form of vitamin B) deficiency shows up in the form of brittle nails and hair fall. Also, copper and zinc deficiencies can further lead to other forms of deficiency, partly because copper helps absorb nutrients like iron that aid in maintaining overall health. On the other hand, vitamins A, D, and E ensure healthy hair growth. The lack of any of these can lead to potential hair damage. 

Hormonal Changes

Yet another reason for hair fall is hormonal changes. Much like how hormonal changes trigger excess sebum production in sebaceous glands, which causes acne and pimples. In the same way, there can be alterations in your hair follicles. Therefore anytime between childbirth, pregnancy or even menopause, hair loss can be excessive for women.

Extreme Solutions

One last reason why ignoring hair loss may be a mistake is the severity of specific solutions, which you may have to resort to in the end. What starts as a few strands a day can escalate to unnatural volumes in a blink of an eye.

People then have to count on extreme solutions like surgical treatments or cosmetic procedures, both of which are risky and expensive. So, a little attention to your hair at the early stages can ensure a better and healthier future for it.

Summing Up

Hair fall is a relatively common problem among all. It is inevitable simply because it is not entirely under your control. However, once it starts, understanding the cause and treating it correctly is your duty. Ignoring something as trivial as hair fall can lead to a worse scenario in the recent future.

Moreover, it is essential to treat any problem in the beginning. It is often easier to treat the underlying problem and control the amount of hair loss or any other issue when it is manageable. You can always connect with a dermatologist to understand your hair, its type and problems that could be bothering you. 


1. What should you not do when your hair is falling out?

There are two key aspects that you should never do if you are experiencing hair fall.

  • Do not overthink as your hair fall could be regular. By putting in so much thought can lead to stress which can cause further hair loss. The best is to talk to a dermatologist who can evaluate and suggest if it is normal or requires treatment. 
  • Avoid trying anything or everything that you read or come across. These remedies may or may not work for you. Seek medical help to stay safe and find the best treatment. 

2. Can hair fall be stopped?

It would depend on what’s causing the hair fall. Hence, take help from a dermatologist to learn about the reasons and cure. 

3. How to stop hair fall daily?

You need to understand that it is normal to lose about 50 to 100 hair strands a day. Though, if you’re shedding hair that’s way more than that or noticed something unusual, consult a doctor.  



Picture of Dr Jisha Gomez

Dr Jisha Gomez

She is a highly skilled dermatology physician with strong expertise in improving skin & hair health through the development of corrective treatment combinations. She completed her Post-graduate Diploma in Dermatology from Cardiff, UK & Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine (FAM) from the Institute of Laser and Aesthetic Medicine, Delhi with over 5+ years experience treating skin patients. She has worked in Government hospitals in Trivandrum and Bangalore. She is actively involved in creating awareness for healthy skin, breaking the social stigma based on skin colour & stopping steroid abuse in our country.