Using fairness creams for long? Your skin might be in danger!


For generations, light skin has been coveted. Considered a sign of beauty, our forefathers were conditioned by colonisation. The cosmetic industry has misused this idea of beauty for long enough. Undeniably, this false belief of “fairness is beautiful” has led us to make blind skincare choices for years and fall prey to these profit-hungry beauty industries. We choose to buy fairness creams at the glance of an advertisement, not knowing what’s inside it.

But the world is different today. Skin colour is not what defines beauty anymore. And never again. Beauty lies in the face of every individual.

But let’s address the long term effects of fairness creams. Did you know – most of the fairness or cosmetic creams available in stores contain a harmful drug.

What is the harmful drug used in fairness creams? 

“Steroids” are used in the making of fairness creams due to their bleaching and depigmentation effects. Overusing this drug or using it without prescription damages your skin beyond your imagination. Unfortunately, the free availability of this steroid has allowed many of these fairness cream brands to become household names, wherein they are no longer considered drugs at all.

A word from our resident skin specialist and advocate about fairness creams.

This fairness drug which is banned in many countries, is legally allowed in India due to loopholes in our law. “Many Indians are unaware that they are absorbing this unsafe steroid through their fairness products,” says Dr Jisha, our skin expert, who has been campaigning against steroid abuse. She adds, “Patients are unaware of the risks posed by these fairness products and continue to use them for long periods before seeking help from dermatologists”.

Many people buy steroid-based creams and ointments to treat their various skin problems like acne, pigmentation, fungal infections and rashes directly from the chemists who are allowed to sell the drug freely without a dermatologist’s prescription. Unfortunately, this drug causes more damage to the skin than it repairs if you don’t use it right. You may even develop various skin diseases on the application of such steroids. 

Here is how badly “steroids” in your fairness creams can affect you:

  • Steroids cause skin thinning due to which wrinkles appear on your skin sooner than they should.
  • It causes stretch marks, especially in the armpit region, which is permanent and irreversible.
  • Excessive use of steroids tears up the skin and causes hypersensitivity.
  • It increases the thickness and length of the hair on your skin.
  • There are high chances that this steroid affects your eyesight as the surrounding tissue absorbs it.
  • It even reduces the skin’s ability to fight off bacterial and fungal infections. Therefore your skin is left with a weaker immunity.
  • Finally, when you stop using your fairness cream, it can result in intense facial redness and the formation of fluid-filled bumps damaging the skin.

Unfortunately, the ill effects are just endless!

The silver lining

Our fairness craze has given opportunities for cosmetic companies to misuse steroids and promote them in the name of “fairness creams”, which are further marketed by profit-hungry pharmaceutical companies. 

Let’s be aware of steroid abuse and try to choose wiser! Say NO to fairness creams.


1. Are there fairness creams without steroids in them?

There are some brands out there that claim that they do not use steroids in them. However, we would like to encourage you to accept your skin colour the way it is and not feel like you have to change it for society.

2. Do fairness creams really work?

There is not much proof that they significantly improve your skin colour. It is not really possible to change your skin colour. The best you can do is get rid of tan.

3. Is skin whitening banned in India?

While skin whitening creams and products have not been banned, advertising them has been. This way, people are not spreading false information that can lead to bias and damage.

4. Can dark skin become fair?

No, your priority should be keeping your skin healthy. Your skin colour is beautiful just the way it is.



Picture of Dr Jisha Gomez

Dr Jisha Gomez

She is a highly skilled dermatology physician with strong expertise in improving skin & hair health through the development of corrective treatment combinations. She completed her Post-graduate Diploma in Dermatology from Cardiff, UK & Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine (FAM) from the Institute of Laser and Aesthetic Medicine, Delhi with over 5+ years experience treating skin patients. She has worked in Government hospitals in Trivandrum and Bangalore. She is actively involved in creating awareness for healthy skin, breaking the social stigma based on skin colour & stopping steroid abuse in our country.