10 Foods That Make Your Skin UV-Protected: Say No To Sun Tanning!

uv protection, sun tan

We have all heard of sunscreen and used de-tan face packs after a little romance with sunshine. But have you ever heard of a diet that can save you from the tan in the first place? Let’s explore foods for sun tanning today!

Well, apparently, the food you eat can actually help protect your skin from sun rays and prevent sun tanning! Yes, a lot of essential vitamins and minerals found in certain kinds of food can improve your skin’s immunity to sun rays while giving you a natural glow. 

10 foods for sun tanning that can help prevent tanning!

1. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits like mosambi, orange, lemon, strawberries, blueberries, kiwi fruit etc., are a rich source of Vitamin C and Antioxidants.

Vitamin C is a natural sunblock that prevents your skin from sun burning and sun tanning. The antioxidants in citrus fruits avoid premature ageing, and the risk of skin cancer caused due to sun damage. So, pack a punch of citrus zest in your diet to retain a healthy and beautiful glow. However, make sure this does not fall on your skin and then get exposed to sunlight as that will sting.

2. Pomegranates

 Pomegranates are a rich source of Ellagic acid and antioxidants. Just like antioxidants, ellagic acid protects your skin from damage caused by UVA and UVB rays.

3. Grapes

Some compounds in grapes protect your skin cells from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Because of this, grape derivatives are used in sun protection products around the world to avoid sun tanning and damage.

4. Flax Seeds

Omega 3 fatty acids in flax seeds protect your skin from sunburn, reduce additional inflammation if sunburn occurs, and also fight skin cancer.  Flax seeds are also good roughage that is added to weight-loss diets. It can therefore be a great ingredient to include in your diet for resilient and healthy skin.

According to the National Institute of Health, flaxseed oil keeps your skin moisturised so it won’t dry out. This beautiful ingredient is also an excellent moisturising agent in case you have dry skin.

5. Sweet Potatoes

Potatoes have a high amount of starch in them. Starch helps reduce the harm of sunburn and sun tanning. However, it is essential to remember that sweet potatoes are a healthier alternative to regular potatoes as they have vitamin C and beta carotene in them to protect your skin.

6. Green Tea

Drinking 2 cups of green tea a day could lower the incidence of melanoma – A type of skin cancer that is caused by prolonged skin exposure to the sun’s rays.

7. Oats

As your skin ages and exposure to UV radiation increases, your skin cells lose their ability to regenerate. Oats have certain antioxidants that can help with this. Oatmeal is also a great topical ingredient to treat a sunburn!

8. Cucumber

Cucumber is full of water and hydration! This readily available vegetable, helps your skin stay hydrated. The more hydration you receive, the better it is, as it helps in collagen production that also contributes to anti-ageing.

9. Watermelon

Watermelon is exploding with juicy goodness and antioxidants, which limits the damage caused by the UV radiation on your body and protects your skin from sun tanning. Also, watermelon helps you stay hydrated during the warm summer months.

10. Carrot

Carrot is full of vitamin A. This vegetable reduces your skin’s reaction to sunburn and helps lighten any darkened skin. It is thus vital to form your “diet for healthy skin” with these ten foods recommended by dermatologists.

The silver lining

Food and water are the elixirs of life. You can heal your body from the inside and the outside with the help of this planet’s natural bounty. Most treatment options for different skin and hair conditions include proper hydration and nutrients. If you treat your body well, it will do the same for you!


This diet of foods for sun tanning alone is not advisable for giving you sun protection. It will only help to protect your skin from harmful radiation to some extent. Always apply your sunscreen whenever outdoors and ensure to use protective clothing.


 1. Can a diet remove my suntan?

No, this diet is meant to help you prevent tanning. If you are looking for ways to remove a tan after exposure to the sun, then explore de-tan face packs or consult with a doctor.

2. How do I heal a sunburn?

If you have a severe sunburn, you might want to visit a dermatologist to receive proper treatment.

3. Is a healthy diet the best way to attain healthy skin and protection from the sun?

A nutrient-rich diet is an integral part of making your skin healthy. However, it is also essential to take care of your skin with a proper skincare regime and appropriate sun protection measures.

4. What can go wrong with a nutrient-rich diet?

While all the ingredients mentioned above are healthy, it is possible that you could be allergic to a particular food item. So the best thing to do is be aware of your allergies before you make any changes to your diet.



Picture of Dr Jisha Gomez

Dr Jisha Gomez

She is a highly skilled dermatology physician with strong expertise in improving skin & hair health through the development of corrective treatment combinations. She completed her Post-graduate Diploma in Dermatology from Cardiff, UK & Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine (FAM) from the Institute of Laser and Aesthetic Medicine, Delhi with over 5+ years experience treating skin patients. She has worked in Government hospitals in Trivandrum and Bangalore. She is actively involved in creating awareness for healthy skin, breaking the social stigma based on skin colour & stopping steroid abuse in our country.