7 Mistakes Due To Which Your Pimple Problem (muhase) Still Exist!

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Is your pimple problem turning into the supervillain of your story? No matter what you do, they refuse to go away? We might have a clue as to why this may be happening. It is almost too easy to make mistakes when it comes to pimples and taking care of them. The good news is that you have us. And we have tricks up our sleeves!

You can be the superhero in your own story by ensuring that you don’t make these simple mistakes in your daily routine!

1. You’re not watching your diet

If your skin is acne-prone, oily foods, dairy products, and sweets are unfortunately making things worse for you. These foods cause acne breakouts more often than usual, thus increasing your pimple problem.

Dermatologist’s advice

Say NO to fried items, dairy products and sweets or any product with a high sugar content. Give your body food rich in nutrients and vitamins and allow it to show you its beautiful inner working.

2. You are popping or squeezing your acne breakouts, aren’t you?

Popping or squeezing your pimples will push some of what is on your skin (e.g., pus, dead skin cells, or bacteria) deeper into your pores. This can lead to an infection and cause severe pimples and sometimes even scarring, bleeding and pain.

Dermatologist’s advice

Do not attempt to pop or squeeze pimples. Keep your hands away from your face no matter how tempted you are. Treat your pimples only with medication given by a dermatologist. Please don’t self-medicate!

3. You are skipping your bedtime cleansing

Makeup, dirt and oil build up in your skin and cause pimples if you sleep without giving it a proper cleanse. It is essential to wash away all unwanted dirt and build-ups on your skin before you hit the bed. If you skip this vital step, you can get stuck with breakouts acne, and even a pimple problem on your face.

Dermatologist’s advice: 

Wash your face with a cleanser or face wash that is suitable for your skin type before you go to bed. Do not skip it at any cost if you want clear, acne-free skin.

4. You are washing your face too many times.

The extreme opposite is not the best idea either. Washing your face too many times will not cure your acne/muhase. In fact, it can further irritate your skin and lead to more breakouts. Washing your face throughout the day can strip your skin of its natural oils. In return, your skin will produce more oil and lead to more pimples.

Dermatologist’s advice: 

Washing your face twice a day is all you need. Once when you wake up and once before you go to bed, additionally, you can wipe off your sweat after a workout or strenuous exercise. 

5. You are harsh on your skin

Be gentle and kind to your skin. The skin on your face is more fragile than the skin on your body. Scrubbing it will only irritate it further, causing your pimple problem to flare.

Dermatologist’s advice

Be gentle when washing your pimple affected area. Use a mild cleanser or face wash. 

6. You are sharing makeup.

When you use makeup products that are shared by others, it can transfer their bacteria, oil, and dead skin cells to your skin. This can irritate your skin or clog your pores, leading to breakouts.

Dermatologist’s advice:  

Do not share your makeup, makeup brushes, and makeup applicators with anyone else. Clean your makeup application tools after using them.

7. You don’t stick to one pimple cream

No acne treatment works immediately; “they take days to start kicking in,” says our skin specialist, Dr Jisha at CureSkin. Also, trying too many methods at once can irritate and aggravate your skin and cause breakouts.  Additionally, stopping your acne treatment as soon as you see the results will make it come back once you stop the treatment.

Dermatologist’s advice: 

Do not quit your acne treatment if you do not see results as soon as you would like to. Be patient and consistent with your acne treatment. Give your skin some time to heal and recover if you’re expecting good results.

When to see a dermatologist?

Despite using products like face washes and masks for acne, if your pimples don’t reduce, then you may need prescription-strength pimple treatment for your skin. This should be prescribed only by a skin expert. Self-medication can make things worse. A dermatologist can diagnose your acne, identify its cause and provide treatment options for you.

The silver lining

It is always best to know as much as you can about your skin, especially accurate information from a doctor or medical professional. By ensuring that you don’t make the mistakes mentioned above, you can save yourself time, money, and severe acne.


1. What is inside a pimple?

Pimples can be filled with bacteria, sebum and dirt. If your pimple appears whitish-yellow and is painful, it possibly has pus inside it, made up of dead white blood cells.

2. When is it okay to pop a pimple?

We do not recommend that you pop any of your pimples at any point in time.

3. What causes really deep pimples?

This kind of pimple is called cystic acne. It is a more severe form of acne and occurs deep under the skin.

4. Do pimples heal faster when popped?

No, they end up taking longer to heal and get exposed to infection and bacteria too.

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Picture of Dr Jisha Gomez

Dr Jisha Gomez

She is a highly skilled dermatology physician with strong expertise in improving skin & hair health through the development of corrective treatment combinations. She completed her Post-graduate Diploma in Dermatology from Cardiff, UK & Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine (FAM) from the Institute of Laser and Aesthetic Medicine, Delhi with over 5+ years experience treating skin patients. She has worked in Government hospitals in Trivandrum and Bangalore. She is actively involved in creating awareness for healthy skin, breaking the social stigma based on skin colour & stopping steroid abuse in our country.