Acne prone skin? Here is a skincare routine for you!


Are you always searching for cures for your acne prone skin?

Is all the different information on the internet leaving you confused and clueless?

Do you often wonder what the right thing to do is?

Let us help you.

And let’s start at the beginning.

What causes acne prone skin?

The most common reason for acne to occur is clogged pores. This happens because of excess oil production, dead cell build-up and even bacteria. However, hormonal changes, food habits and many more factors also play a role in the occurrence of acne.

Different types of acne

Acne is a widespread skin condition that is most popular for plaguing teenagers. However, many different kinds of acne occur because of various reasons. Let us have a look at some of them. There are two broad types of acne:

Non-inflammatory Acne – They include whiteheads and blackheads. Whiteheads are open comedones, while blackheads are closed comedones. These occur when the sebaceous glands and hair follicles get clogged with debris.

Inflammatory Acne – This type of acne is a little more complicated. There are four types of inflammatory acne.

1. Papules – Due to inflammation, the walls of your pores break down and cause bumps that appear to be pink in colour.

2. Pustules – They are similar to papules. However, they are full of pus. They appear as protruding red pimples with a yellow or white tip.

3. Nodules – Further down under the skin, nodules occur when the skin is untreated, and the pores undergo further inflammation and damage. 

4. Cysts – A combination of bacteria, dead skin and sebum can clog pores and cause cysts. This occurs on an even deeper level of the skin. They can be painful, severe and harder to treat. They usually leave scars.

Once you can identify what kind of acne you have, it becomes easier to decide the next step.

Be prepared to see a dermatologist for the right skincare routine.

Especially when it comes to acne, you do not want to take any chances with products or home remedies that could go wrong. Your next step should always be to visit a dermatologist who can help you with proper skin treatment for your acne. Only take action prescribed or recommended by a dermatologist. 

Skincare routine for acne-prone skin

When it comes to acne, your daily skincare regime is quite essential. Your skin needs to be taken care of well. But how different is a skincare routine for acne as compared to a regular one? Let us find out.


Every daily routine should start with cleansing, regardless of your skin type. For acne-prone skin, look for a foaming facial cleanser that contains salicylic acid or glycolic acid. They control acne breakouts and help to maintain oil control. Wash your face twice a day or more if you sweat a lot or if your skin gets too oily. Don’t be harsh with your skin. You can also look out for ingredients like benzoyl peroxide in your face wash. If you are concerned about whether you are using a suitable face wash or cleanser, do not hesitate to refer to a doctor first.

Medication for acne prone skin

Post cleansing is an excellent time to apply your creams or serums prescribed to you for your acne by your doctor. Do not use medicated creams without proper instruction from a doctor first.


Our very favourite step in every skincare regime. It is essential to moisturise at least twice a day. For acne-prone skin, try to use an oil-free moisturiser or a gel-based one. This gives your skin nourishment without adding excess oil. Also, look for products that say non-comedogenic as these do not block pores.


We don’t realise it, but this is an essential step in the process of caring for your skin during the day. Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays and sun exposure is very important to avoid further damage. Choose a non-greasy, non-comedogenic sunscreen that is not very heavy but water-resistant.

And voila! Your routine is in place. You can repeat all the above steps at night, except for the sunscreen.

Other things you can do to keep your acne prone skin in check!

A skin condition like acne doesn’t just require treatments. It also requires a look at your lifestyle and taking the correct action. So let us look at some of the things you can do to help with your acne.

Eating habits

Regulating your meal times, establishing a healthy diet and avoiding high sugar content, dairy products, oily and unhealthy food can go a long way in keeping your skin healthy.


Drinking lots of water to flush out all the toxins from your body is an essential step in taking care of your body, skin and hair.

Your hair

This might sound like a weird one, but sometimes, products that you use in your hair can play a role in the onset of acne, especially around the forehead. Keeping your hair off your face can help with this. You can also try to avoid letting your shampoo or other products touch your face when washing your hair.

Don’t pop those pimples!

We know how tempting it can be to get rid of a pimple by popping them. Sometimes, they can get quite itchy too. But resist the temptation! Popping a pimple can leave it vulnerable to bacteria and infection and, at times, leave scars on your skin. We know you don’t want that. So resist, resist, resist!

A touch of kindness

Give your skin lots of love and treat it with kindness. Be gentle when washing and touching it. And as much as possible, avoid any harsh products and scrubs.

The silver lining

Dealing with acne can be a tricky bug. With the polluted environments we live in, it is even more common than before. However, with the proper skincare routine and dermatologically verified treatments, you can get the help that you require.


1. Is steaming good for acne prone skin?

Steaming can be an effective way to unclog your pores and get the dirt out of your skin. It opens up the pores making it easier for the dirt to dislodge. However, it would be best to check with your doctor if you have severe inflammatory acne before doing so.

2. At what age is acne the worst?

Usually, acne can be pretty bad during the ages of 12-19 because of significant hormonal changes. But today, there are increasingly more cases of adult acne and long term issues that can span over any amount of time as well.

3. Is ice good for pimples?

Ice can provide a soothing effect to your pimples. In cases where there is inflammation and pain, you can use it to numb the pain temporarily. However, please note that constantly applying ice on the pimple will not help. You need to consult your doctor and take the proper treatment if pain persists.

4. How can I prevent pimples on my face permanently?

There is no way to cure pimples permanently. Because they are caused by different things, they can appear at different times. For example, hormonal acne can arise during puberty and before or during a menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause, or when any hormonal changes occur in your body.



Picture of Namya Naresh

Namya Naresh

An obsessive dreamer, vegetarian foodie and shy singer, Namya spends her time immersed in the world of Literature and Music. She is currently writing her first novel, advocating for mental health, self-love and bringing you your daily dose of skincare with CureSkin!