Acne spot treatments and how to choose the best one!


When it comes to acne, especially that one annoying pimple turning up, our first instinct is always to find the quickest way to make it disappear. Very often, people turn to acne spot treatments in these times. But there is so much out there. So how do you choose which one is right for you? Well, we might be able to help with that today.

How to identify the proper acne spot treatment for yourself?

The right spot treatment ultimately depends on your skin type, acne type and underlying issues.

  • It is essential first to know whether you have dry, oily, normal or combination skin.
  • Once this is done, you need to identify what kind of acne you have. Is it hormonal? These kinds of pimples appear a few days before a woman’s monthly period as well as during pregnancy, menopause and puberty.
  • Could it be caused by any diet changes?
  • Do you have underlying health issues like polycystic ovary syndrome?

What are acne spot treatments?

These treatments attack a pimple in a robust and direct approach. They are pretty concentrated and therefore are applied only to your pimple and not your whole face. Their forms can vary from drying lotions to pimple patches. Acne spot treatments work best on papules and pustules. They may not be as effective on nodules or cysts. Spot treatments can include overnight treatments as well as those you can have on during the day.

How do spot treatments work?

Thanks to the high concentration acne-fighting ingredients in spot treatments, they target the unwanted pimple directly. They can help with the reduction of pain, swelling and even redness. They work by reducing the pore blockage that caused the pimple in the first place. However, it is essential to remember that these treatments are meant for individual pimples that pop up. If you have a long term acne condition, you should consult a dermatologist for a more comprehensive treatment.

Ingredients you should look for in acne spot treatments!

When it comes to zapping away that zit, you need to know which ingredients might be more beneficial for your skin.

1. Benzoyl Peroxide – This ingredient is found in many over-the-counter spot treatments. It drives out bacteria causing acne and reduces inflammation. This can help with subsiding your outbreaks.

2. Salicylic acid – This acid is known for exfoliating the skin and clearing dead skin cells that might be causing bumps on the skin. This helps fight pimples and unclog pores. A 2% concentration of salicylic acid is the amount you should be looking for to ensure no irritation to your skin.

3. Retinoids – Created from Vitamin A, retinoids decrease inflammation and help with acne treatment. Always speak to a doctor before using products with these ingredients if you are pregnant, as it can cause issues.

4. Sulfur – This ingredient has properties that can dry out a pimple. It should be used only on the pimple and not the skin around it to avoid excessive dryness.

5. Oil-free and non-comedogenic products – These help ensure that your pores do not get blocked and cause more acne or other problems.

Things to keep in mind when using acne spot treatments

  • Do not use too often, or you will risk excess dryness.
  • Do not use internet trend treatments like toothpaste or garlic. You can end up with worse symptoms.
  • Make sure you know the difference between acne treatment and spot treatment and use them accordingly.

The silver lining

Sometimes, an acne spot treatment can be just the thing you need for mild or random pimples. Make sure you are well informed, and if you are unsure at any point, do not hesitate to call a doctor.


1. What home remedies can I use for acne spot treatments?

Home remedies for acne spot treatment include tea tree oil, dead sea mud and green tea; however, there is insufficient evidence to prove that they work. You should also make sure that you are not allergic to any of these ingredients.

2. Do I have to wash off the spot treatment after some time?

You do not usually have to wash off spot treatments. They absorb into the skin to work. However, if you have sensitive skin, your doctor may advise you to wash it off after 1-2 hours.

3. How many times a day should I use acne spot treatments?

You can use a spot treatment once or twice a day. Do not use it more than that, as it can dry out your skin. But follow the instructions on your product if in doubt.

4. Can I take acne medication and use spot treatment at the same time?

We would highly recommend that you consult with a doctor before using a spot treatment while also taking acne medication.



Picture of Namya Naresh

Namya Naresh

An obsessive dreamer, vegetarian foodie and shy singer, Namya spends her time immersed in the world of Literature and Music. She is currently writing her first novel, advocating for mental health, self-love and bringing you your daily dose of skincare with CureSkin!