Aloe Vera For Hyperpigmentation: Does it Work?


For anyone with hyperpigmentation, you’re always looking for some tips or ingredients to get rid of it. It’s a skin condition when certain parts appear darker in comparison to the rest of your body. The reason it happens is because the body starts generating excess melanin deposits on the skin. It’s not a harmful condition but can be troublesome for many. You can be of any age, sex or race to have hyperpigmentation. One such way to treat hyperpigmentation is using aloe vera. Let’s discuss in detail the effectiveness of aloe vera for skin pigmentation and if you should use it or not.  

How Does Aloe Vera Work For Hyperpigmentation?

Aloe vera contains components known as aloesin and aloin, which could have skin lightening properties as per some studies. They help decrease hyperpigmentation by eradicating existing melanin cells. Aloe vera also aids in the further formation of excess melanin in the skin. 

According to a study on cells (1), scientists revealed that aloesin helped prevent excess melanin production on laboratory-produced human skin.

Another study (2) conducted with a group of people with hyperpigmentation also had interesting outcomes. They were put under UV (ultraviolet) radiation and offered  different forms of treatment. Those that received treatment showed less signs of pigmentation as compared to those that got no treatment. On the other hand, those who got the aloesin-arbutin as part of treatment had the lowest levels of pigmentation.

How Can You Use Aloe Vera For Hyperpigmentation?

You can use the pure aloe vera gel straight from the plant or get aloe vera gel from the nearest stores. However, before applying it to the affected area, do take a patch test. It will help reveal if you are allergic to it or not. 

Can Aloe Vera Lead to Any Side Effects?

Usually, aloe vera is safe to use, but it may cause rash or skin irritation in some people. If you face any adverse reaction due to aloe vera, consult a doctor immediately. She/he can recommend treatment based on your condition. If you are applying aloe vera for the first time, we strongly recommend that you do a patch test first before using it.

What Are Other Options to Treat Hyperpigmentation?

Azelaic Acid

It can help reduce (3) hyperpigmentation and achieve an even tone. You can use topical azelaic acid gel that is readily available in the market. It is best to discuss with your doctor on how you can use this particular product.

Chemical Peel

It can also be a good option to treat hyperpigmentation. Chemical peels involve using acids on the skin to take off the topmost skin layers with extra pigments.

Vitamin C

Some research has showcased that using vitamin C cream is effective to lessen hyperpigmentation due to sun exposure (5)


As per some research, niacinamide helps lighten dark spots and prevents skin darkening. You can look for creams consisting of niacinamide.

It is best to share with your doctor if you wish to use aloe vera or any other options for hyperpigmentation. They can suggest what could be ideal for you.

Summing Up

So, should you use it?

There’s still limited research and evidence to claim that aloe vera will work for hyperpigmentation. You may have heard/read how it has worked for so many people, but that doesn’t guarantee anything. If you still wish to try it, reach out to a dermatologist who can share if it’s suitable for you or not. 


  1. Does aloe vera work on dark spots?

Firstly, there is no proof that aloe vera works on dark spots as the research is still insufficient. It may or may not work in your favour and the time too can vary based on your condition. 

  1. Can vitamin C help fade hyperpigmentation?

Vitamin C can reduce blemishes and lighten skin pigmentation, but it would be best if you consult with a doctor before using it. 

  1. Is it possible to get rid of hyperpigmentation?

Yes, there are several ways to reduce hyperpigmentation. However, check with a dermatologist for the best treatment option. Your condition is also a crucial parameter that determines how and the right way to decrease it. 



Picture of Chaitali Nayak

Chaitali Nayak

A writer and a skincare fanatic, Chaitali believes that words and kindness can transform the world. She has a master’s degree in Advertising & Public Relations and has worked for various advertising agencies and digital marketing firms. With the help of expert dermatologists at CureSkin, she works towards creating content that helps eliminate misinformation related to skincare. The aim is to educate yet bring something exciting and new every time for the readers. When not busy writing, you can find her talking to her plants, eating, drawing or watching movies.