Vitamin C powder. Is it a better option, and how to use it?


I’m sure we are all familiar with vitamin C. If not, then you should know that it is a bit of a miracle vitamin! It is excellent for your hair, skin and internal body health. You may have seen certain things written on your product labels like ‘contains vitamin C extracts’ or ‘vitamin C nourishing facewash’. Today, we will explore what vitamin C can do for you and how it could be a better option for you to use vitamin C powder instead.

Various forms in which Vitamin C is available

1. Naturally in fruits and vegetables. Especially in citrus fruits like lemon and oranges.

2. In the form of a powder.

3. As an oral supplement or tablets that you can take.

4. As a serum that you can use for the skin on your face.

5. In various face washes, creams and skincare products

6. As an effervescent that you can add to water and drink.

Benefits of vitamin C

Our body does not naturally make vitamin C. We derive it from food sources and external intakes. Let us have a look at the multitude of benefits of this vitamin.

  1. Helps with the treatment and prevention of the common cold.

2. Helps maintain proper immune function.

3. Treats scurvy through oral supplements and injections.

4. A vitamin C serum helps in the reduction of wrinkles.

5. Helps in the synthesis of collagen

6. Heals wounds faster.

7. It works as an antioxidant and can provide many healing properties to your body.

8. Brightens tightens, and protects skin from UV rays and pollutants.

9. And so much more!

What is vitamin C powder, and why is it better than its other forms?

Vitamin C in a powdered version of the vitamin is used mainly for skincare. Apparently, Vitamin C is relatively unstable as a molecule when used in creams and other products. Upon exposure to air, it oxidises and loses its potency. This is where the powder comes into play. In the form of a powder, vitamin C seems to be more stable. It can be used fresh without losing its essence and mixed with your regular products. Sounds pretty good to me!

There is a flip side.

While vitamin C powder sounds great with its increased stability and longer shelf life, but you should use it with caution.

You need to keep in mind certain things when mixing this powder into your existing creams and serums. Let’s have a look.

pH levels

When mixing vitamin C powder into your products at home, it is critical to ensure that you derive the correct pH balance required. According to various sources, the acidic level should be 3.0 to be absorbed by the skin. This can cause some irritation on the skin.


The powder needs to be dissolved in water before you add it to any serum or cream. This helps dissolve the vitamin C and reduce irritation to the skin.

Natural Vitamin C

When buying a vitamin C powder, try to look for the most natural and organic version. These are better than the synthetic, lab-made versions.

High concentration

Most powders available online are a 100% vitamin C concentration. The infused products you buy, however, are only about 10-20% vitamin C concentrated. Creating a concoction with more than 20% of pure vitamin C powder can result in irritation in the skin. At the same time, it may not be very effective on your skin if the concentration is less than 8%.


When mixing vitamin C powder with other creams and serums, it is important to know how each ingredient interacts with the other. Sometimes, the powder may not interact well with the other ingredients used in your products, leading to reactions on your skin. To avoid this, mix it with products that have significantly fewer other ingredients.

Vitamin E

When mixed with vitamin C, an ingredient like vitamin E actually makes the mixture more potent and supercharged. Therefore, this is a good ingredient to look for in creams to mix with vitamin C powder.

Sensitive skin

Vitamin C powder can be a bit strong for people with sensitive skin. It is best to do a patch test before using it on your face. For sensitive skin, also look for a milder concentration and mixture so that it doesn’t cause too much irritation.

How to identify if your vitamin C product is oxidised?

If your vitamin C product is not stored in a cool, dry place where it is not affected by light, the chances are that it will get oxidised over time. You will know that this has happened if your cream, lotion or cleanser has turned a little yellow. Throw it out if this happens. To increase the shelf life of your vitamin C products, keep them sealed well and out of light or any other extreme conditions.

The silver lining

We now know that vitamin C powder can be more effective in this form. However, it comes with its own complications. When trying this out at home, remember to consult with a doctor first before trying anything new on your face. If you end up having reactions, rush to a dermatologist that you trust.


The natural remedies mentioned in the blog are the widely popular ones. It is in no way a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Avoid using these if you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies. 

Before trying any natural remedy, always test a small quantity on your skin to check for any adverse reactions or allergy to any particular ingredient. In case of emergency or any reaction, immediately connect with a doctor who can offer the proper treatment.


1. How can I use Vitamin C powder?

There are many ways to use vitamin C powder. You can add it to your daily serums and creams, put them in your weekly face pack, and combine it with your lip balm! When mixing, dilute and check for concentration and pH levels to avoid irritation.

2. What kind of water should I use to dilute vitamin C powder?

You should use only distilled water to dilute vitamin C powder. Do not use regular drinking water.

3. How can I test the pH levels of my mixture before using it?

To test the pH levels in your homemade vitamin C mixture, you can use store-bought pH strips and make sure the level is not more than 3.5. If it is, it will irritate your skin.

4. How long can I use a vitamin C mixture for?

You can go on for a week at the most when using a mixture made at home. A better option is to mix the vitamin C powder into small quantities of your serum or moisturiser instead of the whole thing at once.



Picture of Namya Naresh

Namya Naresh

An obsessive dreamer, vegetarian foodie and shy singer, Namya spends her time immersed in the world of Literature and Music. She is currently writing her first novel, advocating for mental health, self-love and bringing you your daily dose of skincare with CureSkin!