Are Red Spots on Your Skin Trying to Say Something?


You or someone around you may have noticed red spots on the skin at some point in their lives. Instead of going on a panic mode or assuming what it could be, reach out to a dermatologist. Once she/he examines you, it will be easier to figure out the exact cause and the proper treatment. However, there’s no harm in acquiring some knowledge about red spots on the skin regardless of its appearance. We have a list of common causes that could lead to these red spots. Keep reading!!

Red Spots Due to Contact Dermatitis

It happens when you contact something you are allergic to or any substance that can irritate your skin. Contact dermatitis is a prevalent skin condition and appears as a red bump or rash. Some of the common symptoms that you can notice are as follows.

  • Itching
  • Burning
  • Redness
  • Swelling

Treatment would depend on the cause. Though there are over-the-counter medications available, it’s always best to check with a dermatologist.

Heat Rash

It occurs when the pores get clogged due to sweat. Heat rash may appear on the armpits, chest, arms, back and groin area. In other words, wherever skin folds, rubs together or sweaty regions of your body. It can appear as small red bumps, which can be painful or itchy. The chances of heat rash increase if you are on bed rest or reside in an area with a hot climate. It generally goes away if you keep the affected area dry and cool. Some creams and ointments can help soothe the itchy skin, but it would be better to consult a dermatologist if the case is severe.

Rash Caused by Ringworm

It is a form of fungal infection that appears as a red circular rash. Ringworm can lead to peeling and flaking of the skin too. You may generally notice it on your skin fold such as armpits, under the breasts, groin, feet, though it can appear anywhere in the body.


It is an autoimmune skin disorder that can happen due to infection, medication, stress, injury etc. You can find it on the scalp, knees and elbows as an irritated, itchy, red rash. It occurs in a body when the immune system starts producing more cells than the required quantity. The overproduction and faster growth of skin cells creates a thick build-up causing burning and irritation. As there are several types of psoriasis, it is best to seek medical help to identify what it is. A doctor can examine your condition and devise a customised plan suitable for you.

It’s a Wrap

Red spots on the skin aren’t always dangerous or a cause for concern. Try not to freak out or Google your symptoms the moment you notice them. Also, it is human tendency to jump towards negative conclusions generally. Calm down and remind yourself that neither you nor Google is a medical practitioner. Hence, let the experts do their job.

There isn’t one particular reason; instead, various factors lead to these red bumps or spots on the skin. Therefore, the only thing that can give you satisfaction and peace of mind is getting it examined by a dermatologist. Early diagnosis can ensure that you get to know the root cause and start your treatment immediately.


  1. When should you be worried about a red spot on your skin?

Red spots are not always a cause for concern; however, if they do not reduce by themselves, instead keep spreading, becoming larger or causing irritation or itching, it is best to consult your doctor immediately.

  1. What are the reasons for blood spots on the skin?

Different blood spot types appear on the skin, and the causes would depend on the type.  It would be better not to draw conclusions from the internet and rather discuss with your doctor.

  1. Are red moles on skin bad?

There’s nothing wrong with having red moles, and the general rule for mole detection applies to them as well. Suppose the mole appears to increase in size, changing colour, rising above the skin, irritating or itching, and asymmetrical borders. In that case, it is always best to consult your dermatologist to rule out malignant changes.

  1. Can red spots appear due to stress?

There isn’t much evidence to prove this

  1. How to remove red spots on your skin?

Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines are readily available these days. However, we would suggest that you get it treated by a dermatologist. With proper medication and treatment, you can ensure safety and not worsen your condition.



Picture of Chaitali Nayak

Chaitali Nayak

A writer and a skincare fanatic, Chaitali believes that words and kindness can transform the world. She has a master’s degree in Advertising & Public Relations and has worked for various advertising agencies and digital marketing firms. With the help of expert dermatologists at CureSkin, she works towards creating content that helps eliminate misinformation related to skincare. The aim is to educate yet bring something exciting and new every time for the readers. When not busy writing, you can find her talking to her plants, eating, drawing or watching movies.