Athlete’s foot blisters – Causes and treatments!


What is athlete’s foot?

Athlete’s foot, true to its name, is a rash that occurs on the foot. It is caused by a fungal infection due to a lack of ventilation around your feet and toes. In addition, a build-up of sweat can breed this kind of fungus and result in this condition. Sometimes it can result in athlete’s foot blisters too!

Athlete’s foot blisters

Blisters materialise when you have a particular kind of athlete’s foot. A vesicular type infection is the usual culprit. It begins with blisters that are filled with fluid forming under your skin. Their favourite spot is usually on the bottom of your foot, but you never know; they can change their mind!

What causes athlete’s foot blisters?

Athlete’s foot blisters are caused by a particular fungus known as ‘trichophyton mentagrophytes’. Compared to other types of fungus, this one has the highest chance of creating blisters. You can contract this condition if your foot comes in contact with the fungus. They usually thrive in moist environments.

How do you know that the blisters on your foot are athlete’s foot or other conditions?

The best way to know for sure if what you have is athlete’s foot is to get your blisters examined by a doctor or dermatologist. First, however, suppose you want to do a preliminary check. In that case, you can look for other possible symptoms of athlete’s foot like cracked skin, skin thickening, scaly skin, itching, burning and other discomforts. These might appear between your toes or the soles of your feet. In addition, it is possible that you could confuse another skin condition like psoriasis, a bacterial infection or contact dermatitis with athlete’s foot. So it is best to visit a doctor.

Risks of untreated blisters

With the occurrence of blisters comes the possibility of complications. So let’s have a look at some.

1. The blisters are usually filled with fluid. If you contract an infection, then this fluid can turn out to be pus. For example, an infection known as group A ‘Streptococcus’.

2. These blisters are contagious and can spread to other parts of your body.

3. You can also risk infecting your toenails, groin and hands as well.

4. Because of the fluid build-up, these blisters can turn out to be quite painful when walking because of the pressure and weight put on them.

How can you treat athlete’s foot blisters?

Athlete’s foot should always be treated by a medical professional, preferably a dermatologist.

If you have blisters because of athlete’s foot, then your condition is pretty severe. Your doctor might have to prescribe antibiotics for you. To accompany this, you could be given antifungal medication and creams as well. It is essential to keep your blisters clean to avoid getting an infection. In cases of fluid build-up, your doctor might need to drain the blisters too.

How to prevent athlete’s foot?

  • Keep your feet clean, dry and sweat-free.
  • Wear loose shoes.
  • Clean your shoes regularly with antifungal spray.
  • Do not scratch blisters.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after touching the blisters to avoid them spreading.
  • Avoid walking barefoot in public places and wear well ventilated open shoes.
  • Remove shoes and socks immediately after exercising.
  • Maintain good hygiene standards!

The silver lining

Athlete’s foot blisters are a possible symptom of this infection. If you have them, you should visit a doctor immediately as you risk spreading them to more parts of your body and other people around you. But a visit to the doctor should be all you need!


1. What home remedies can heal athlete’s foot?

The internet will tell you about home remedies like vinegar soaks, Epsom salts, and many other ways to treat it at home. You should not attempt any of these. Always go to a doctor for the treatment of athlete’s foot.

2. What makes you more prone to getting athlete’s foot?

This condition is more common in men than women. People with a weak immunity or diabetes are highly susceptible to getting it. Apart from this, excessive sweating, humid climates and poor ventilation can cause athlete’s foot.

3. What does athlete’s foot look like?

This condition can start with less severe symptoms like a red rash, itchy skin and scaliness and then be followed up by blisters that are filled with fluid or pus.

4. How long does it take for athlete’s foot blisters to go away?

Depending on the severity of your infection and blisters, it might take up to 3 to 4 weeks to heal athlete’s foot.



Picture of Namya Naresh

Namya Naresh

An obsessive dreamer, vegetarian foodie and shy singer, Namya spends her time immersed in the world of Literature and Music. She is currently writing her first novel, advocating for mental health, self-love and bringing you your daily dose of skincare with CureSkin!