Can PCOD Cause Hair Fall in Women?

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Have you been diagnosed with PCOD or PCOS lately? PCOD is very common among women and comes with a whole lot of symptoms. If you have irregular periods, sudden weight gain, and excess facial hair growth accompanied by excessive hair fall, then the culprit might be Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)!

Why does PCOD cause hair loss in women?

PCOS is a condition that triggers excess male hormones called “androgens”. This hormone triggers hair thinning on women’s scalp, causing female pattern baldness. 

Hair loss is a common problem among women diagnosed with PCOD. 

  • Women with PCOD experience hair loss in the frontal and the vertex areas of the scalp.
  • PCOD hair loss results in female pattern baldness as it may cause at least 20-25% of total scalp hair loss.
  • You may experience excessive hair loss during combing or shampooing.

How To Stop Hair Loss From PCOS?

1. Oral Tablets

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Your doctor may prescribe oral contraceptive pills, anti-androgen drugs, spironolactone, along with other medications to control the hormones in your body.

These pills limit the male hormone production (testosterone) and increase the production of the sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in your body. When the male hormone is in control, it reduces the PCOD symptoms, including scalp hair loss and facial hair growth.

Any hormone balancing medications should be strictly consumed only under a doctor’s prescription.

2. Lotions or serums

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Your doctor may also prescribe certain lotions or serums to massage onto your scalp to trigger new hair growth.

3. Hair Transplant

Here, hair and hair follicles are taken from one area of the scalp and inserted in the area of hair loss. It may not be ideal for all. Talk to your doctor to know more about this hair fall treatment.

4. Medicated shampoos

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Certain shampoos and conditioners with medicinal properties help soothe damaged hair and strengthen weak hair. You can try out suitable hair care products that target the problem area.

5. Lifestyle Changes

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Your lifestyle has a direct impact on your health. A healthier lifestyle helps manage your PCOD and its symptoms better.

Here are some quick lifestyle modifications that can reduce your PCOD hair loss:

1. Use a soft natural hair bristle comb or brush instead of a synthetic one. It helps you control hair fall.

2. Exercise regularly!  Weight loss reduces male hormone production and hence reduces PCOS-related skin problems and hair loss.

3. Switch to a healthy diet and say no to junk! This can keep your weight in check, thus controlling male hormones in your body.

4. Regular natural oil massage of the scalp helps in blood circulation and makes your hair follicles strong and healthy.

5. Since PCOS is a lifestyle disorder, controlling your stress levels can help a lot. Try breathing techniques like pranayama to do this.

6. Eating your meals at regular intervals and in small portions is excellent for PCOD. Your body needs consistency.

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Diet and supplements to prevent PCOS hair loss

Studies suggest that certain food/supplements in our diet help in controlling PCOS hair loss. 

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Note: Before taking any supplements, check with your physician about their safety to prevent any untoward reactions.

  • Taking 50 mg of zinc supplement daily for eight weeks brings positive results for PCOS hair loss
  • Biotin supplements can have a positive effect on PCOS hair loss too.
  • Avoid eating unhealthy food such as refined flour, added sugar, fried and fast food.
  • Have nutritious food that will help your hair grow strong and lustrous.

Hair growth in women with PCOD

Fortunately, PCOS hair loss can be reversed!

When your hormones are balanced with the proper treatment, you will notice a significant improvement in your hair growth. Recovery depends on how fast your hair grows. If you have severely damaged hair, you might need to follow a separate hair care regime for a while to fix it. It may also take time, depending on how fast your hair grows.

The silver lining

Hair fall is a common problem among women with PCOS, along with a whole bunch of other symptoms! But you are important to us, and we have got you’re back. Make sure to identify and address it with the right medication and other lifestyle changes. And don’t hesitate to consult your doctor to get the proper PCOD hair fall treatment.


1. Will hair loss from PCOS grow back?

With the proper treatment from a doctor, you can increase the growth of new hair.

2. How do I know I have PCOD?

While it is possible to identify symptoms of PCOD yourself, always wait for a diagnosis from a doctor before you make any decisions. A doctor is the only person who can tell you for sure whether you have it or not.

3. How much hair falling out is normal each day?

It is said that around 50 to 100 strands of hair naturally fall out every day.

4. Can PCOD be cured?

While there is no cure for PCOD, there are lifestyle management techniques that can help reduce its effect on your body.

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Hair fall is a common problem among women with PCOS. Make sure to identify and address it with the right medication and other lifestyle changes. Consult your doctor to get the proper PCOD hair fall treatment

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Picture of Chaitra K

Chaitra K

I’m a Skin Care Enthusiast from Bangalore, a writer here @CureSkin teamed up with Expert Dermatologists to spread awareness on the right kind of skin and hair care for men and women. Inspiring people to explore the skin and hair care that suits their need and help them look and feel beautiful is my full-time job. Skin & hair problems affect every person's self-esteem and confidence. Hence I love helping people by giving them the best information about skin and hair health with my writing, driven by the BEST Dermatologists.