Dermatologist Recommended Teenage Skin Care Tips

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If you’re a teenager and reading this, we understand what you’re going through! We have been there, and we know how gruesome teen acne and breakouts can be. Did you know acne affects 90% of teenagers? While it may seem like an impossible task, the truth is that there are steps you can take to avoid or reduce this concern. All you need is the right teenage skincare advice.

We have spoken to our dermatologists and developed a list of practical teenage skincare tips for you. But let’s try understanding your skin before we learn how to take care of it.

Teenage Skin vs Adult Skin

Your teenage skin has the power of youth! This means good elasticity, and it can regenerate quickly as it reserves an abundance of collagen. As you age into an adult, the production of collagen decreases. Hence, adult skin is more prone to sagging, fine lines, and wrinkles.

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Common teenage skincare problems you might face:

Hormonal Acne

Acne is the most common teenage skincare problem that teenagers face.  During your teens, your oil glands are overactive due to hormonal fluctuation.  When oil builds up in excess, dead skin cells stick to your pores, attracting bacteria and causing inflammation. Unfortunately, this means you might have acne-prone skin.

You can get acne on your face, neck, chest, back and shoulders, as these are the areas with oil glands. To treat acne, always talk to a dermatologist. Self-medication and trying home remedies without proper knowledge may worsen your acne leaving permanent scars behind.

Oily Skin

Oily skin isn’t always hereditary. A hormonal imbalance can cause temporary oiliness in your skin, inviting troubles. Using a lightweight, non-comedogenic, oil-free cleanser and moisturiser can help absorb the excess oil and keep your pores unclogged.

Excess Sweating

Teenagers tend to sweat more than adults due to a highly active lifestyle. 

  • So, wear fabrics that allow your skin to breathe and absorb your sweat.
  • Avoid spicy food that triggers sweating.
  • If you sweat excessively, consult a dermatologist to remain safe.


Eczema is a common teenage skincare concern where your skin gets dry and itchy. To avoid this, you can apply a fragrance-free moisturiser to your skin to control the dryness. If the condition gets worse, talk to a dermatologist and get the right prescription skincare products.

Other skin conditions

As a teenager, you could also be dealing with skin issues like athlete’s foot, fungal infections, dandruff and warts.

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Dermatologist recommended teenage skincare tips

Prevention is always key! So, here are a few simple tips for your teenage skincare and wellbeing:

1. Keep your skin clean

  • Wash your face in the morning and night.
  • Use a gentle cleanser that suits your skin type instead of a soap bar.
  • Harsh soap bars can irritate the pores on your face and trigger acne.
  • Scrub your skin gently; this will prevent unnecessary drying and skin irritation.

2. Hydrate your skin well

Moisturise to keep your skin supple and soft. Hydrated skin has fewer chances of developing premature fine lines and wrinkles. You can use a gel-based non-comedogenic moisturiser if you’re prone to acne.

3. Exfoliate when your skin needs it

  • Scrub your skin using a gentle exfoliator once in a while to unclog your pores. 
  • Use an exfoliator that suits your skin type and look for products that are antiseptic and mild.
  • You can also use chemical exfoliators containing AHAs and salicylic acid as they help deep clean your pores.
  • Make a homemade scrub by simply mixing sugar and honey. For sensitive skin, try oatmeal mixed with honey and milk as a scrubbing agent.

4. Get the right acne treatment

  • Use a gentle cleanser to get rid of excess oil from your skin. 
  • Face washes, creams, foams and gels that are antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory are great for acne treatment.

5. Protect your skin from sun damage

  • Use a broad spectrum moisturising sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher for UV protection.
  • Wear sun-protective clothes when you plan to spend your day outdoors.

6. Provide extra care for your lips 

  • Scrub your lips gently with a lip scrub for a minute.
  • Wash the scrub off and apply lip balm. 
  • Apply a fragrance-free colourless lip balm before bed or an overnight sleep lip mask. It keeps your lips hydrated the entire night. 

7. Stop touching your face without reason

Stop touching your face with your bare hands. Every time you touch your face, you’re transferring dirt and bacteria that can lead to acne. Avoid picking or popping your pimples as it can leave behind permanent acne scars.

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8. Maintain makeup hygiene

 Avoid sharing your makeup products with others, as tempting as it may be. Bacteria and dirt can get transferred through these products from one person to another.

9. Remove your makeup before bed

 A fundamental skincare rule is to wipe off your day’s makeup before getting in bed. The earlier you start, the less damage you will cause your skin. Leaving makeup on overnight will clog your pores and lead to breakouts.

10.  Switch to lukewarm water

Avoid hot water showers. Switch to warm water instead. It helps loosen the dirt while preserving your skin’s natural oils.

11.  Get proper nutrition

  • We know you don’t want to, but you have to get yourself a balanced diet with greens and fruits. 
  • Sorry to be a buzzkill but avoid oily, processed and sugary food as they can aggravate your skin conditions.
  • Dairy products can also aggravate acne. Consider switching to almond milk or oat milk. But talk to your doctor first.

12.  Follow a night skincare routine

 Your skin revives itself at night. So, never miss cleansing your face at night. Remove your makeup, and apply a hydrating moisturiser and lip balm without fail.

13.  Lead a healthy life

Take control of your body and life right from a young age. We wish we had! Your skin’s health is a perfect reflection of your overall internal health. If you eat right, sleep enough and drink plenty of water daily, you will thank us later. Remember to try to stay happy and content in life as your mind and body continuously interact.

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The silver lining

You’re more prone to breakouts and skin problems because of the change in hormones in your teenage years. However, with the above dermatologist-approved simple skincare tips and a proper skincare routine, you can keep your skin super healthy for the years to come!

Beautiful skin isn’t an overnight job! It’s a lifetime journey.


1. How do I choose the right products for my skincare?

Choose skincare products that fit your skin type. Your skin is unique, so your skincare products should be too. The ones that work best for your friends won’t necessarily work for your skin. Get a dermatologist’s opinion on what is best for you.

2. Is hyaluronic acid safe for teenage skin?

Yes, it is. However, ensure that the product has no ingredients that can irritate your skin, like fragrances or alcohol.

3. Should a teenager use toner?

We do not recommend using toner as it can irritate your skin and aggravate your acne.

4. Is wearing make-up to bed harmful?

In the long term, yes.

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Picture of Chaitra K

Chaitra K

I’m a Skin Care Enthusiast from Bangalore, a writer here @CureSkin teamed up with Expert Dermatologists to spread awareness on the right kind of skin and hair care for men and women. Inspiring people to explore the skin and hair care that suits their need and help them look and feel beautiful is my full-time job. Skin & hair problems affect every person's self-esteem and confidence. Hence I love helping people by giving them the best information about skin and hair health with my writing, driven by the BEST Dermatologists.