Damp Hair: Things You Had No Idea About

Damp Hair

The mere mention of damp hair can be a reminiscence of freshness and squeaky clean hair. As fantastic as it feels to have freshly cleaned hair, you may be unaware that this is precisely when your hair needs the most amount of care. Keep reading to learn more about damp hair and things you can do to protect your your hair from any harm. 

Do You Know Damp & Wet Hair Are Different? 

They may seem like the same thing, right? You could be using it interchangeably, but the truth is they are different. Wet hair is soaked with water droplets dripping, whereas; damp hair is a state where your hair is neither too dry nor wet. Although, you can feel that your hair is moist. 

What are the Things You Should Know About Damp hair? 

Be Gentle

wrapping microfiber towel to absorb extra water

Post shower, it feels easier to grab a towel and rub your hair vigorously to dry it quickly. Though, it can be harmful as damp hair is fragile. You can use a microfiber towel and wrap it around your head to absorb extra water. Let your hair air dry. 

Avoid Using Heat Styling Tools

When you are in a hurry, using a hair dryer may seem like an easy option. Honestly, let’s admit that most of us are guilty of doing the exact same thing. You might wonder what damage can a few minutes do, but that’s more than enough to harm your hair. Your hair turns dry, frizzy and can even lead to hair breakage.  

Do Not Tie Your Hair

avoid tying damp hair

Allow your hair to dry before you tie it into a messy bun, ponytail or any hairdo of your choice. When you tie your hair, you can restrict the airflow. It can lead to microbial growth in your scalp and hair. 

Be Careful While Hair Brushing

Never use a hard brush if your hair is wet or damp because it may cause hair breakage. To prevent damage, use detangling products when your hair is about 90% dry. Use your fingers gently on your hair to get rid of tangles and knots. Another way would be to use a wide-toothed soft brush to detangle your hair. The best can be to leave it to dry and then comb it. Always brush your hair gently starting from the tips and slowly moving up to your roots.

What Can You Expect If You Sleep With Damp Hair?

sleeping with damp hair
  • Sleeping with damp hair can lead to tangles and knots. 
  • You can experience hair fall and split ends. 
  • At times, the scalp can smell musty and become itchy or dry. 
  • It can cause fungal infections in your scalp due to the natural microbes existing on your scalp as well as your pillow. 
  • If your pillow isn’t clean and you sleep with damp hair, it can be a breeding ground for fungus. 

Steps to Follow if You Have No Choice but to Sleep With Damp Hair

  • You should switch to silk pillowcases. They are non-absorbent and gentle on your hair. It also ensures less hair breakage. Remember to wash your pillowcases regularly. 
  • Avoid oiling damp or wet hair. Use hair oil before washing your hair. 
  • For a change, switch to a microfiber towel to squeeze out excess water from your hair. 
  • Tie a loose braid while sleeping to allow airflow and avert hair loss. 
  • Using a hair conditioner ensures less friction and prevents hair loss, tangles and frizzy hair. 

Summing Up

Damp hair needs extra attention because it is most susceptible to get damaged. As the hair bonds are weak, be patient while handling them. Along with a healthy diet, lifestyle changes, best products and exercise, keep the points mentioned in the blog in your mind. Once you start caring for your hair properly, there’s no way it won’t become strong and healthy. 


  1. How to know if your hair is damp?

If there’s no water dripping from your hair and it’s still moist to touch, that’s known as damp hair. In this state, your hair isn’t completely wet nor too dry. 

  1. Is damp hair bad for you?

It isn’t bad in itself. However, you have to be cautious as it is fragile. Avoid sleeping with damp hair as it can cause issues such as an itchy scalp, tangles and fungal infections. 

  1. Is it okay to brush wet hair?

Avoid brushing wet hair. You can use a wide-toothed comb if necessary. Wait for hair to at least air dry 50-70% before combing.

  1. Can you apply gel to wet hair?

It is better not to apply gel regularly as most hair gels comprise chemicals that can be harmful to your hair. However, applying gel on wet or dry hair would depend on the type of product you are using. Always read the instructions carefully and follow as advised.



Picture of Chaitali Nayak

Chaitali Nayak

A writer and a skincare fanatic, Chaitali believes that words and kindness can transform the world. She has a master’s degree in Advertising & Public Relations and has worked for various advertising agencies and digital marketing firms. With the help of expert dermatologists at CureSkin, she works towards creating content that helps eliminate misinformation related to skincare. The aim is to educate yet bring something exciting and new every time for the readers. When not busy writing, you can find her talking to her plants, eating, drawing or watching movies.