Is Vitamin E the Ingredient that Can Solve All Your Hair Issues?


The list of hair woes is never-ending. As you start dealing with one hair issue, there are fifty others to give you company. Though, you don’t need to turn Sherlock Holmes to unravel the deepest secrets to attain gorgeous hair. There’s an ingredient that you may have skipped, and it’s time to catch up. We are talking about vitamin E, which is known to enhance hair growth, decrease hair thinning and breakage. Keep reading the blog to get detailed information about its benefits, how you can use it, and the potential risks involved.

Mission Healthy Hair Begins!!

Vitamin E isn’t a newcomer to the skincare industry and has been used since the 1950s to get supple and healthy skin. In recent years, it has gained popularity due to its ability to repair hair damage and make hair healthy. 

Let’s First Understand What is Vitamin E?

It is a fat-soluble nutrient that is rich in antioxidants. Vitamin E not only protects the body’s cells but even reduces free radical damage. It is available in the form of food sources as well as supplements.

How Can You Use it For Your Hair?

1. Diet

The food that you eat determines your hair health. When your body is deficient in essential nutrients, especially vitamin E, it affects your body and hair.

Food Sources

  • Green Leafy Vegetables
  • Nuts & Seeds
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Tomato
  • Broccoli

2. Shampoo & Conditioners

Are you looking for an option that can provide vitamin E without much effort? Several shampoos and conditioners have include it as an ingredient, which you can get for yourself. Go through the instructions and use the product accordingly. 

3. Vitamin E Oil

Various vitamin E oils already contain carrier oil to prevent skin irritation, but ensure that you always dilute it with a carrier oil before using it. It’s expensive oil and quickly oxidise as it comes in contact with air. The best way would be to use hair oil that consists of vitamin E as a secondary ingredient.  

4. Supplements

Supplements can easily help fulfil your vitamin E requirement, but you have to be sure you need them. Generally, most of us get enough of it from food sources, and they are any day a better alternative than taking supplements. Reach out to a doctor before taking any supplement as too much of it can be dangerous for your health.

Is it Good For Hair?

Some reports and studies suggest that it can be beneficial for hair, but these are insufficient to prove anything. With more research, it will be apparent if it does impact hair health or not.

1. It Makes Your Hair Lustrous

Pollution, stress, heat styling and various other reasons lead to dullness and dryness in your hair. Using vitamin E oil or hair products consisting it can bring back the lost shine. Furthermore, it creates a protective layer on your hair that helps make your hair beautiful and healthy.

2. Your Scalp Turns Healthy

It can be beneficial to promote hair growth (1) as it helps strengthen hair roots and makes scalp healthy by reducing the levels of oxidative stress. With a poor/unhealthy scalp, it’s almost impossible to achieve any hair goals.

3. Prevents Hair Breakage

According to study (2), it helps prevent hair loss and improves hair growth. Yet, more research would be required to support these claims.

Can Vitamin E be Harmful For Your Hair?

  • Never use pure vitamin e oil as it can cause skin irritation and rashes. Always dilute it with a carrier oil and then use it.
  • Supplements are a great way to introduce it to your hair, but keep in mind to follow the dosage instructed by your doctor. Too many supplements can be harmful. 

It’s a Wrap

As part of your hair care routine, Vitamin E is a brilliant way to achieve healthy tresses. You can begin with consuming food items that have it instead of supplements or products. Talk to your dermatologist regarding your hair concerns and the correct way to use it for your hair.


1. Is it okay to apply vitamin E oil directly to your hair?

Undiluted vitamin E can cause rashes and skin irritation. Therefore, dilute it with a carrier oil before using it. It is better to consult a dermatologist before using the oil to stay safe.

2. Should you mix vitamin E in your shampoo or oil?

Mixing it with your shampoo may not help much. However, mixing it with your regular coconut oil and then applying it can be useful. Ensure you are not allergic to either of the oils before using them on your scalp and hair.

3. Does vitamin E oil clog pores?

Since the oil is thick, it can clog your pores and lead to acne breakouts. Discuss with your doctor before using any product, oil or anything. With different skin types and issues, not everything can work for everyone.   



Picture of Chaitali Nayak

Chaitali Nayak

A writer and a skincare fanatic, Chaitali believes that words and kindness can transform the world. She has a master’s degree in Advertising & Public Relations and has worked for various advertising agencies and digital marketing firms. With the help of expert dermatologists at CureSkin, she works towards creating content that helps eliminate misinformation related to skincare. The aim is to educate yet bring something exciting and new every time for the readers. When not busy writing, you can find her talking to her plants, eating, drawing or watching movies.