How to reduce redness from Pimples?

pimple, acne, redness, skin care

We all hate getting random pimples on our face that disrupt our morning glow. But there is not much we can do about it sometimes. Our first instinct with a pimple is to reduce its redness.

A pimple is defined as a bump on the skin that is inflamed with pus, which results from oil glands known as sebaceous glands getting infected by bacteria. This is especially common in people with oily skin that produce excess sebum which leads to clogging and infection of the follicles.

These pimples can range from a simple comedone like a blackhead to even a cyst formation. Sometimes, the fact that we obsess over a pimple turns out to be a good thing because ignoring a growing skin condition like this can result in a disaster.

What causes pimples?

Some of the common reasons why these pesky pimples show up are the following:

  • Hormonal changes mean excess hormones make the sebaceous glands produce larger amounts of oils.
  • Dietary irregularities and choices are a cause for pimples because certain food products can contain a specific hormone that triggers acne, such as dairy products.
  • The use of cosmetics is like adding extra layers to your skin that may suffocate pores, leading to clogging and infection.

Getting your pimple redness treated is better than covering it up with makeup.


  • Apart from these increased stress levels and even just picking at pimples causes an outbreak that leaves your skin red and irritated.

How to reduce the redness from pimples?

Covering up the redness from pimples with makeup can potentially make your problem worse. Instead, get it treated.

When looking at ways to reduce redness from pimples, the solution should be able to effectively rid the skin of the build-up of excess oil and keep away any bacteria from the skin. And knowing this well, many have tried formulating their own ways to do so

1. Cooling with ice

This is an old trick that our parents once taught us when we suffered from any injuries to the skin. But this happens to also work on pimples by easing inflammation and quickly reducing redness from it. However, watch how long you apply it for and restrict it to no more than five minutes at a time. Avoid applying ice directly on the skin.

2. Cucumber

Cucumber has astringent properties that make it capable of minimising redness and relieving any swelling. So just chopping up a cucumber and applying a few slices on the swollen region for half an hour can often do wonders in reducing the redness. Both ice and cucumber have the added advantage of having no particular side effects unless you are allergic to them.

 3. Honey and Yogurt

These ingredients are combined to make a homemade concoction vouched for by many users as a remedy for pimple redness. Being a natural product, they tend to have minimal side effects on the skin, partly because they work slowly. The antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of honey combined with the soothing and balancing acidic properties of yoghurt make it a viable solution to the problem at hand.

The truth about using home remedies to reduce redness

While aspirin does indeed contain salicylic acid that exfoliates and relieves inflammation, toothpaste has triclosan, which kills bacteria and similarly, benzoyl peroxide works along the same lines.

You would, however, be in danger of damaging your skin if you ignore the fact that salicylic acid at those concentrations has chances of burning your skin. And the simple fact that a product designed for teeth could be too harsh on your skin.

The silver lining

So, these are the remedies out there that anyone can use to reduce redness from pimples, and this is just the first step towards a long future of skincare. However, home remedies come with a risk of reactions that can be harmful. So always remember to proceed with caution or embrace the redness from your pimples!


The natural remedies mentioned in the blog are the widely popular ones. It is in no way a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Avoid using these if you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies.

Before trying any natural remedy, always test a small quantity on your skin to check for any adverse reactions or allergies to any particular ingredient. In case of emergency or any reaction, immediately connect with a doctor who can offer the proper treatment.


1. Why do my pimples stay red?

It is possible that you have cystic acne or are using a method to reduce the redness that is possibly making it worse.

2. How long do red pimples last?

A pimple can last anywhere from a week to 10 days to reduce redness or go away.

3. Does acne redness go away?

Eventually, redness does go away. If it doesn’t, then you should see a dermatologist.

4. How can you prevent redness from pimples?

The best thing to do is to get your acne under control and get your skin checked by a dermatologist. In the meanwhile, avoid touching or popping the pimple.

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Picture of Dr Jisha Gomez

Dr Jisha Gomez

She is a highly skilled dermatology physician with strong expertise in improving skin & hair health through the development of corrective treatment combinations. She completed her Post-graduate Diploma in Dermatology from Cardiff, UK & Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine (FAM) from the Institute of Laser and Aesthetic Medicine, Delhi with over 5+ years experience treating skin patients. She has worked in Government hospitals in Trivandrum and Bangalore. She is actively involved in creating awareness for healthy skin, breaking the social stigma based on skin colour & stopping steroid abuse in our country.