Ice on Acne: Does it help?

acne tips, ice on acne

Acne can be frustrating, inconvenient and even painful sometimes. Inflammatory acne can result in red coloured pimples that stand out on your face and are hard to ignore! But there are ways to reduce the redness and inflammation for a short while. Today we discuss one of the most common ways to do this. Ice on acne!

What is acne?

Acne is caused due to the inflammation of the skin. This results in acne in the form of pimples, whiteheads, etc., on the skin.  Acne is like an umbrella term that is used when there is a breakage on the skin, not just in the form of pimples, but also blackheads, freckles, whiteheads all together in a particular area.

It is also a chronic condition ( which means it is persistent and lasts for a long time), which, if it gets severe, will require attention from a dermatologist.  There are also different kinds of acne, namely: Acne Vulgaris, Acne Fulminans, Acne Mechanica. 

What causes acne?

Acne can be caused due to a variety of reasons varying from genes, environment, eating habits, etc. Even though it’s such a prevalent issue, it is incredibly delicate, and you need to deal with it correctly. For example, if your pimple bursts, it could leave a mark or even a scar. If you try pinching the pimple to get rid of it, this will increase the inflammation and can cause more acne in the same region.  

What causes redness and pain with acne?

Acne contains bacteria, sebum, dirt and oil, which clogs up the pores and causes inflammation on the skin. This also causes redness and even pain at times.

The benefits of Ice on acne!

Ice, as we all know, is a cooling agent.

  • When used on acne, it helps reduce the size of the pimple.
  • It also helps reduce redness.
  • It helps without making your pimple burst.
  • Due to the cooling properties of ice, it can decrease inflammation.
  • It can numb the pain from acne.

Things to keep in mind when using ice on acne

  1. Do not place the ice cube directly on your skin. Make sure you have a thin cloth in your hand which you can set the ice in to treat your acne. 
  1. Place the ice cube wrapped in cloth on the acne spots for about a minute, take it off, give it some rest time and place it back for a minute.
  1. Some people tend to rub their skin with ice cubes. This could be harmful if you’re not gentle while you do this. Do not rub the ice into your skin. Just gently dab it.

What can you add to an ice cube?

Here are few things you can add and make in the form of ice cubes to use on your face :

  • Tea tree oil – This has anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing acne.
  • Aloe vera – This ingredient is a cooling agent and is also said to have anti-oxidation properties. When clubbed with ice, it can work better. 
  • Cucumber – This is a hydrating and cooling ingredient that can soothe your acne. It also has essential properties that can help enhance the health of your skin.

Ice is not a cure

You need to remember that ice only acts as a cooling agent for your acne and in no way cures it. You can stop it from getting worse and reduce the inflammation, but other than that, it does not help in removing the clogged bacteria or sebum. Ice can work better when you pair it with other forms of acne treatment. 

The silver lining

Ice can be a great temporary aid when your pimples feel like they are on fire and you need to douse the flames but always remember to visit a dermatologist to get proper treatment for your acne.


The natural remedies mentioned in the blog are the widely popular ones. It is in no way a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Avoid using these if you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies. 

Before trying any natural remedy, always test a small quantity on your skin to check for any adverse reactions or allergies to any particular ingredient. In case of emergency or any reaction, immediately connect with a doctor who can offer the right treatment.


1. Can using ice on acne cause tissue damage?

Yes, If you leave the ice cube on your acne for too long without proper intervals in between, it can cause damage. You should also avoid rubbing it against your acne.

2. What else can ice do for my face?

Ice helps to calm down inflammation, pain and swelling, however, there is no medical evidence that it may help otherwise.

3. Is applying ice directly to the face bad?

It is terrible and can cause damage. Protect your skin from the harshness of ice by wrapping it in a soft cotton cloth.

4. What happens if you apply ice for more than 20 minutes?

Applying ice on your skin for a long duration will only cause you more harm. It will constrict the blood vessels in the area leading to cellular death and permanent damage.

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Picture of Dr Jisha Gomez

Dr Jisha Gomez

She is a highly skilled dermatology physician with strong expertise in improving skin & hair health through the development of corrective treatment combinations. She completed her Post-graduate Diploma in Dermatology from Cardiff, UK & Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine (FAM) from the Institute of Laser and Aesthetic Medicine, Delhi with over 5+ years experience treating skin patients. She has worked in Government hospitals in Trivandrum and Bangalore. She is actively involved in creating awareness for healthy skin, breaking the social stigma based on skin colour & stopping steroid abuse in our country.