Moles On Babies: What You Should Know?


In this beautiful and adventurous journey called motherhood, along with the boundless joy, you suddenly turn extra cautious about everything that concerns your child. At times, noticing moles on babies can be worrying for parents but there’s nothing to worry about. However, it’s always better to be aware or prepared regarding these moles, as some of them may require medical supervision.

What Do You Understand by Moles?

It can be confusing to differentiate between moles and birthmarks. Birthmarks appear when the pigment cells or blood vessels aren’t in the proper form. They can occur at the time of birth or in the weeks following birth.

On the other hand, moles can appear at the time of birth or any time throughout the child’s life. A mole can be a birthmark, but not every birthmark is a mole. There are several kinds, colours and shapes of moles that can appear anywhere on the body. A doctor can check and confirm if it’s a mole or birthmark and if it’s a cause for concern.

Different Types of Moles on Babies

Acquired Moles

These moles can appear at the time of birth or you may develop several of these throughout your lifespan. Acquired moles usually occur in areas frequently exposed to sun rays.

Congenital Moles

It isn’t a mole that you may usually find in babies; around one out of every hundred babies have this mole. It appears during or shortly after the baby’s birth. Mostly, these moles are black, brown, and tan, but they can erupt in varied sizes, shapes, and colours.

Spitz Nevus

These moles often occur in teens and older children. They can appear in varied colours but some of the usual ones being brown, red, pink and tan. Spitz nevus is generally round and raised in appearance.

Giant or Large Congenital Moles

These moles are rare and grow as your child grows. They are usually bigger than the typical moles that you may have seen. Giant moles can be larger than 15 inches, whereas large moles can be 7 inches or more. These moles tend to increase the risk of melanoma and various other health conditions.

Is it Normal For Babies to Have Moles?

On most occasions, it’s entirely normal for babies to have moles. They may appear as the child is born or develop over time. They may sometimes change their colour and size, but that necessarily doesn’t mean it’s always something serious. The best is to speak to your doctor if you notice any changes to ensure your child’s safety. 

When Should You Worry About Moles on Babies?

  • Moles that are asymmetrical and have odd borders.
  • The ones that have changed their colour, shape or size.
  • Moles that have a diameter larger than six millimetres. 
  • If the moles are painful, itchy or bleed.
  • A child that has more than 50 moles is at a higher risk of melanoma.
  • Congenital or large moles need to be checked by a doctor regularly as they have high chances of becoming melanoma.

Treatment for Moles on Babies

As discussed earlier, moles on babies are mostly harmless. Though, that doesn’t mean you should take it casually. It’s crucial to pay attention and notice any changes that may occur on the moles. Doctors may take pictures and monitor the changes over a period of time. If a mole gets in the way of your child’s development or proper functioning, a doctor may suggest removing it. It includes larger moles that have the chance of turning into melanoma.

At times, babies with large moles may require mole removal. Therefore, you may have to seek the help of a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon. In such a scenario, the child would require a lot of care and need to grow more skin tissue to undergo mole removal.

Can You Prevent The Occurrence of Moles on Babies?

Apart from congenital moles, other kinds may appear due to sun exposure.  Avoid exposing infants to the sun and especially, if they (babies) are less than six months old. If you do step out with them, always use protection such as blankets, shade, lightweight clothing and hats.

Few Points to Keep in Mind:

  • The best is to avoid taking the baby out in the sun between 10:00 am till 4:00 pm as the sun is at its peak during these hours.
  • If you have no option but to step out with the baby, always apply sunscreen to your infants if age > 6 months.
  • You can use sunscreen with an SPF 15 or more and apply the necessary amount to the baby. Don’t go overboard and apply too much.

Should You Remove Moles at Home?

It is highly inadvisable to remove moles on babies or anyone else. You may come across tricks on the internet or from people around you. However, do not even think about trying any of them. By picking, scratching or cutting the mole, you will increase the risk of infection and may even cause permanent scarring. Therefore, the safest thing is to speak to a doctor who can advise on the proper steps and removal if necessary.

Summing Up

As a mother, it’s obvious to be concerned and panic about anything and everything. However, moles are common skin conditions, and you don’t need to be scared if you notice them on your baby. Though, it’s good to monitor them and see if there are any changes in their size, colour and symmetry. Inform your doctor regarding these changes or anything that concerns you for guidance and proper treatment.


  1. When do moles appear on babies?

Moles may appear on babies at the time of their birth or during their lifetime.

  1. How to know if the mole is normal?

It’s hard for a commoner to distinguish if the mole is normal or something serious. In case the mole changes colour or size, reach out to a doctor.

  1. Can a child have a cancerous mole?

It’s rare for a child to have a cancerous mole. Maybe one child in a million children could have melanoma. Nevertheless, it’s good to be aware and careful with the moles and share with a medical professional if there are any alterations.



Picture of Chaitali Nayak

Chaitali Nayak

A writer and a skincare fanatic, Chaitali believes that words and kindness can transform the world. She has a master’s degree in Advertising & Public Relations and has worked for various advertising agencies and digital marketing firms. With the help of expert dermatologists at CureSkin, she works towards creating content that helps eliminate misinformation related to skincare. The aim is to educate yet bring something exciting and new every time for the readers. When not busy writing, you can find her talking to her plants, eating, drawing or watching movies.