Having Sensitive Skin? Say Goodbye to Allergies!

senitive skin allergy

It’s quite a challenge to deal with sensitive skin. Your skin keeps throwing surprises in the form of allergic reactions like stinging, burning, redness, dryness. Coping with this skin type can feel massively challenging and also lead to unpleasant experiences. However, we have some handy tips suggested by dermatologists that can be super useful if you have sensitive skin. 

What is the Meaning of Sensitive Skin?

It refers to a kind of skin that is prone to inflammation or adverse reactions. It can occur when the skin comes in contact with fragrances, dyes or chemicals in skincare products, sun rays, tight-fitting clothes, genetics or certain underlying conditions.

8 Tips Recommended by Dermatologists to Make Sensitive Skin Happy 

Tip 1 

Limit Your Skin Care Products

sensitive skin

Choose gentle skincare products with minimal ingredients. Fewer products and components mean fewer chances of allergies. Limit your skincare routine with just a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen.

Tip 2 

Patch Test New Products Before Using Them

It’s difficult to predict if a product can cause some reaction or not. Hence, it is advisable for people with sensitive skin to take a patch test before using it. Apply a small amount of the new product on the inside of your arm. Wait for 24-48 hours, and if there’s no reaction, you may consider it safe.  Do keep in mind that you can develop allergies to products later on as well. If you do notice irritation or redness, ensure to check with your doctor first.

Tip 3 

Avoid Over-Washing & Scrubbing Your Face

people with sensitive skin should avoid overwashing or over-scrubbing their skin

Washing just twice a day, once in the morning and at night, with a gentle face cleanser/face wash is enough for sensitive skin. Over-washing removes the protective barrier of the skin, allowing irritating chemicals to penetrate the skin more easily.

Tip 4 

Eliminate Your Problem Ingredient

Identify and avoid those ingredients that can irritate sensitive skin. Skincare products that include fragrances, dyes, and preservatives such as parabens are usually irritants. Anything that smells good is more likely to be bad for your skin. Better look for products that are fragrance-free, hypoallergenic, and without dyes and parabens.

Tip 5

Shorter Showers are Better for Sensitive Skin

shorter shower time for sensitive skin

  • Sensitive skin doesn’t only exist on your face—it is also present elsewhere on your body; it’s essential to treat it gently.
  • Use soap, particularly in areas like armpits, groin, and buttocks, as these are the only areas with the odour-producing sweat glands; skip the rest. 
  • Keep your shower short—under 10 minutes if you can—and use only warm (not hot) water.
  • Avoid using loofahs, scrubs or dry brushes on the skin, as they can irritate your skin badly.
  • Apply a moisturizer right after the shower to seal in the moisture.

Tip 6

Did something go Wrong? Give Sensitive Skin Time To Heal

  • Even if you’re extremely careful about what you put on your face, you can still face reactions. If that happens, it’s crucial to treat your skin gently until it heals.
  • Cut down to using only one product at a time for at least a week to figure out which one is causing a reaction. 
  • Later, you can start adding back one product at a time, giving each one a week before adding the next one.
  • If you’re not sure what product or ingredient caused the reaction, consult a dermatologist.

Tip 7

Go Slow With Product Usage

Limit your use of the new product to just a few nights a week at first (no more than three). If you can tolerate that for a few weeks, eventually, you can start using it every night. Apply moisturizer when you start to feel skin irritation. Avoid using products on sensitive areas of the face, such as the area around the nose, mouth, and eyes.

Tip 8 

Consult a Dermatologist

Discuss your sensitive skin issues with a dermatologist for best results. Use dermatologist-recommended products as they are unlikely to cause an adverse reaction. By following these, you may even forget that you ever had sensitive skin.

Summing Up

Sensitive skin can seem complicated to handle, but it can become easy breezy with proper care and caution. Look for products that are ideal for your skin type. It may take some effort and time, but gradually you’ll be aware of what’s safe for you and what to skip. There’s nothing like you cannot use anything because you have sensitive skin, but it’s important to be careful. You can also consult a dermatologist to suggest a perfect skincare regimen and products. 


1. How to know my skin is sensitive?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a one size fits all description of sensitive skin. However, there are a few signs that can be helpful to understand if you have sensitive skin or not. It can happen because of products and genetic ailments such as eczema and several other factors. 

  • You may experience redness, dryness and rashes. 
  • Your skin may turn blotchy and feel itchy.
  • Your skin could peel. 
  • There could be breakouts too.

 2. Is sensitive skin good?

Like every skin type, sensitive skin is good too. Like everything that has a unique identity, it may require you to be a bit careful while using anything on your skin. 

3. What food causes itchy skin?

Everyone has a different body, condition and various other factors that determine if some food item can be unsuitable for you. In case you experience itchy skin or allergy due to any food item, seek medical help. 

Get your Dermatologist given Skin Care Products for Sensitive Skin Home Delivered.



Picture of Dr Jisha Gomez

Dr Jisha Gomez

She is a highly skilled dermatology physician with strong expertise in improving skin & hair health through the development of corrective treatment combinations. She completed her Post-graduate Diploma in Dermatology from Cardiff, UK & Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine (FAM) from the Institute of Laser and Aesthetic Medicine, Delhi with over 5+ years experience treating skin patients. She has worked in Government hospitals in Trivandrum and Bangalore. She is actively involved in creating awareness for healthy skin, breaking the social stigma based on skin colour & stopping steroid abuse in our country.