Split ends and how to keep them at bay!


There are so many things that can go wrong with your hair nowadays. Split ends are one of them. Whether you notice them in your own hair or your child’s hair, we have got you covered!

What are split ends?

If you don’t already know what they are, let us get that out of the way first. As the name suggests, split ends are an early sign of damage to your hair. The end of a strand splits into two or more, making it look dry, rough and frizzy. This is when you know you have split ends. For our vocabulary junkies, this condition is called trichoptilosis.

What do split ends look like?

There are more kinds of split ends than we realise. Healthy hair appears as a straight line, while a regular split will look like a ‘Y’. This means that the tip of the hair strand has split in two. If you put your hair in the front and observe your strands, you can identify whether you have them.

What are the different kinds of split ends?

There are about 15 different kinds. Can you believe it? We almost couldn’t! They are named based on what they look like. Today we are going to look at ten basic types, so here goes!

Regular or Traditional split

This is the most common split end that resembles a regular Y.


As the name describes, these ends split into three smaller ends and occur due to a weakened cuticle layer.


A feather-like appearance to individual strands can appear due to excessive damage and not trimming your hair frequently.


A tree-like split end appears due to exposure to the sun and rough management of the hair.

Double Y

A double Y happens when one side of an already split end splits further into two more.


Long split ends refer to those that are not addressed and therefore split further up the shaft.


A baby split end refers to the very beginning of a split end appearing. This is when the split is still relatively small.


Taper split ends are fragile strands where the cuticle layer has peeled off due to a lot of damage.

White spots

Split ends usually appear as though they have white spots on them. This is because there is heavy damage to the hair. They can be caused by chemical burns as well.

Incomplete split

This one looks like a needle. The end is still attached, but the middle portion splits into two. It happens due to excessive styling and heat products without taking proper care and precaution beforehand.

How to get rid of your split ends!

And we finally get down to the important stuff. After identifying what kind of ends you have, how do you go about treating them? Let’s have a look at a few ways in which you can do this.

Trim that mane!

The first and most obvious remedy is to trim your hair and get those split ends cut right off before they get worse! It is also the fastest way to get rid of them. Don’t worry; you don’t have to chop off your coveted locks. Trimming your hair about two inches from the bottom should do the trick.

The sun is not your friend.

A lot of the time, sun exposure is the cause of split ends and other hair damage. To avoid getting them in the first place, use sun protecting serums or creams and, as much as possible, cover your hair from the sun with a hat or a scarf.

Styling can cost you!

While we all love how freshly styled hair looks, it is not a practical way to keep your hair healthy. Excessive use of heat and styling products can result in split ends. To avoid this, use tools like irons, curling irons, blow dryers and airbrushes as little as possible. When you are using them, remember first to use a heat protecting serum or cream.

Using the right comb

Believe it or not, this can play a role in the formation of split ends. Harsh plastic brushes can cause more damage. So when buying a brush, look for a soft flat brush or use a wide-toothed comb.

How do you get rid of split ends without cutting your hair?

If you don’t want to opt for that trim, then there are specific ways to reduce the appearance of split ends. These methods include:

  • Deep conditioning, hair spas and oiling provide extra moisture to your ends and help reduce their increase.
  • Hair masks made out of an egg, honey, coconut oil, aloe vera, yoghurt, coconut milk, banana, papaya, avocado and other home remedies are said to help manage split ends. Although the results of these are inconclusive.
  • Don’t wash your hair too often.
  • A healthy balanced diet can go a long way for your hair and skin health.
  • Drinking adequate water.
  • Avoid using hot water on your hair during a shower or wash.

The silver lining

Having split ends will not destroy your hair, at least not if you follow the above tips to avoid them. So as long as you’re taking suitable precautions and giving your hair lots of love, you are going to be absolutely okay!

You have our word.


The natural remedies mentioned in the blog are the widely popular ones. It is in no way a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Avoid using these if you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies. 

Before trying any natural remedy, always test a small quantity on your skin to check for any adverse reactions or allergy to any particular ingredient. In case of emergency or any reaction, immediately connect with a doctor who can offer the proper treatment.


  1. Can split ends stop hair growth?

No, they do not stop your hair from growing. But they can cause your hair to break easily, which can feel like the length is not increasing.

2. Is it wrong to cut split ends individually?

Yes! It is pretty bad to pull or pick at your them because that can cause permanent damage to your hair shaft. We understand how it can be tempting, but don’t do it!

3. Is it possible to repair split ends?

You can’t repair split ends, but you can take precautions to avoid getting them in the first place and use the above methods to help reduce their appearance. To get rid of them outright, just get a trim and chop them off.

4. Do split ends mean my hair is unhealthy?

They are an early sign of damage to your hair. It does not necessarily mean that your hair is unhealthy. However, if left unchecked, it can reach your roots. If that happens, it can lead to a negative outcome for your hair. It is best to address them when you notice them.



Picture of Namya Naresh

Namya Naresh

An obsessive dreamer, vegetarian foodie and shy singer, Namya spends her time immersed in the world of Literature and Music. She is currently writing her first novel, advocating for mental health, self-love and bringing you your daily dose of skincare with CureSkin!