Water vs Acne. Can drinking water solve your acne problems?


Well, who would have thought, huh? Water could be the solution to all your problems! Technically, 70% of our body is made up of it, so it makes complete sense that it is our miracle cure.

Every health, fitness and wellness regime will tell you that drinking lots of water will lead to a healthier body and lifestyle. Instead of instant fixes that don’t last long and only help on the surface, you can solve the problem at its root. While proper hydration may not completely get rid of your acne issues, it most definitely can aid in the process of keeping it at bay.

How drinking more water can help improve your skin health.

You can solve many skin-related issues by giving your body what it needs through a healthy diet and fluids. Today we are going to take a look at how it can help control acne on the face!

Hydration Nation!

Water hydrates your body from the inside out. Drinking ample amounts per day can reduce your body temperature and provide a cooling effect. This, in turn, can reduce the chances of pimples occurring due to excessive heat. Acne is also a result of unwarranted oil production due to dehydration in the body. And the solution to that problem is pretty simple.

Rogue Sugar Levels

High insulin levels make acne and pimples worse by creating extra oil production in the body. Water can dilute the excess sugar in your bloodstream and help manage these levels. Try to include as much food and fluid that has a low glycemic index into your diet.

Bye, Bye Toxins!

Water helps flush out toxins from our body. We all know that. But how does that affect our skin? With fewer toxins in our body, there is less residue and chemicals that can affect your skin and oil production. Therefore, helping to keep acne at bay. Plus, who doesn’t want a detox?

Immunity Building

Water helps build your immunity and provide your body with the proper hydration and pH balance that it requires. A good immunity further keeps persistent bacteria away, helping you avoid breakouts.

Supple Skin

A high liquid intake can help keep your skin soft and supple. If your skin is dry, it is probably crying out for some hydration. So, it is essential to focus on your external hydration with moisturisers as well as your internal hydration with lots and lots of water!

How much water should I drink to get rid of acne?

Usually, about 6 to 8 glasses per day are what most doctors recommend. 

Can drinking water cause acne?

This can happen only if you are drinking water that is not clean. Tap water can be high in salts and calcium, which can throw off your skin’s pH balance. A high amount of minerals and magnesium can cause the skin to become dry. When the skin is dehydrated, the sebum production increases to compensate for the dryness. And excess sebum and oils can lead to breakouts and acne. But as long as you are drinking filtered and safe water, you should be completely fine!

Does dehydration cause pimples?

Yes! Dehydration can cause pimples in the long term. If your body does not receive enough hydration, it can end up drying out your skin, and we all know that dehydrated skin could lead to pimples. So maybe drink up. It is the best thing to do for your body.

When should I drink water during the day?

We highly recommend drinking water whenever you possibly can throughout the day! There is no right time. But if you insist, we would say that the right time is all the time! Try to get hydrated before you start getting thirsty because thirst is your body’s way of telling you that it is already dehydrated. So run along and drink water right away!

Is drinking too much water bad?

Yes, drinking too much water can result in water intoxication and sodium reduction in the body. In extreme cases, it can cause seizures, muscle spasms and even a coma. The maximum amount of water consumed on average should not be more than 3-4 litres in a short period of time.

The silver lining

Water has been called the essence of life. Today, we have shown you that drinking enough water can make a massive difference to a teenager going through puberty or someone with adult acne. Acne is not the end of the world, but it can affect one’s self-confidence and sometimes lead to bullying. 

So the answer is simple, maintain a decent balance for your body internally as well as externally. After all, you are your body’s greatest protector!


The natural remedies mentioned in the blog are the widely popular ones. It is in no way a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Avoid using these if you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies. 

Before trying any natural remedy, always test a small quantity on your skin to check for any adverse reactions or allergy to any particular ingredient. In case of emergency or any reaction, immediately connect with a doctor who can offer the proper treatment.


  1. Which water is best for acne-prone skin?

Always wash your face with clean water that is neither too hot nor cold.

2. How long does it take for drinking water to clear skin?

Drinking water can hydrate your body and your skin. It can help make the skin bright and healthy. However, how long this might take might be different for different people. 

3. Can moisturisers cause acne?

Sometimes, certain heavy moisturisers can clog your pores and eventually lead to acne. It is best to use non-comedogenic creams to avoid this. Overusing moisturiser can also leave a layer of excess product on your skin, attracting dirt and dust and clogging your pores. 

4. Will drinking water clear skin?

Drinking adequate water can help clear toxins from the body, which can help acquire clear skin.



Picture of Namya Naresh

Namya Naresh

An obsessive dreamer, vegetarian foodie and shy singer, Namya spends her time immersed in the world of Literature and Music. She is currently writing her first novel, advocating for mental health, self-love and bringing you your daily dose of skincare with CureSkin!