What Ignoring Acne/muhase Can Do To Your Face

muhase, acne

Acne or muhase (in Hindi) is like the unwanted house guests that come knocking at your doorstep, regardless of whether they are invited or not. It is, however, a natural and inevitable part of your skin’s lifetime condition, but it is just as easy to treat and manage if you have the right tools in your arsenal. But ignoring acne can make things worse for you.

Let’s start with the basics. 

What is acne?

A pimple or muhase is a skin abnormality that occurs when glands known as the sebaceous glands get clogged, which leads to an infection and swelling. These glands, when functioning normally, secrete oils that contribute to oily skin and scalp. When pimples become a recurring thing, this classifies as acne (or muhase in Hindi).

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What does acne treatment require?

Proper acne treatment involves proper guidance from skincare specialists, the right skincare products and routines. A dermatologist will diagnose your acne and skin type and accordingly recommend the appropriate treatment to battle it. A good skincare regime can also significantly help with managing acne.

But is it good or bad to ignore your acne?

It can seem quite tempting to pretend like you don’t have acne and live in denial of it. Many of us are guilty of that. It is possible that you have gotten lucky till now. However, let’s have a look at what could potentially happen if we continue to ignore acne!

According to dermatologists, ignoring acne can be the worst move to make when considering the well-being and appearance of your skin.

Acne can appear as anything ranging from a benign blackhead to a deep cyst formation. Therefore, you should never simply turn a blind eye to the changes in your skin.

What happens if you ignore your acne?

  1. Acne tends to reduce a person’s self-esteem and self-confidence. If left untreated, it can take a toll on your mental health and perception of yourself.
  1. Acne, if ignored, can get worse with time and exposure to the factors that might be causing it. If you don’t identify the cause of your acne, you could end up increasing it.
  1. While comedones may be harmless to a certain extent; other more severe forms can leave your skin permanently scarred, such as cystic acne.
  1. Cystic acne is one of the advanced forms of acne or muhase, where it is a constant source of pain. It appears as a hardened red lump that is swollen in appearance. Teenage hormonal changes are its primary cause.
  1. If your skin condition advances to the stage of inflammatory acne, it becomes much tougher to heal, even with treatment.
  1. Ignoring acne can cost you much more money if you have to do damage control if it reaches an advanced stage. Addressing it at an early stage can be less damaging and save you time and money.
  1. Avoiding acne treatment can lead to permanent scars and damage.

The silver lining

Ignoring signs of developing acne can lead to more permanent damage, longer healing time, and even pain. The best way to deal with acne is by continuous care and attention, along with a proper skincare routine that is suited for your skin.


1. Does acne just go away with time?

Sometimes, the odd pimples might go away on their own, however, do not bank on this as acne can also get much worse with time and leave you with damaged skin.

2. How can a dermatologist help me with acne?

To begin with, a dermatologist can help you with prevention methods so that you can avoid acne in the first place. They can also analyse your skin and its issues, give you treatment options and cure your acne in the safest way.

3. Can I treat acne at home?

We do not recommend that you treat acne at home as it can go wrong and lead to more issues. A dermatologist or skin specialist is your safest option.


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Picture of Dr Jisha Gomez

Dr Jisha Gomez

She is a highly skilled dermatology physician with strong expertise in improving skin & hair health through the development of corrective treatment combinations. She completed her Post-graduate Diploma in Dermatology from Cardiff, UK & Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine (FAM) from the Institute of Laser and Aesthetic Medicine, Delhi with over 5+ years experience treating skin patients. She has worked in Government hospitals in Trivandrum and Bangalore. She is actively involved in creating awareness for healthy skin, breaking the social stigma based on skin colour & stopping steroid abuse in our country.