Why Should You Get a Hair Spa Treatment?

hair spa treatment

Like our bodies, even our hair goes through a lot and needs its share of pampering. Otherwise, it can lead to hair fall, dryness, dandruff, dullness, and split ends. One of the ways to shower some love on your hair is by opting for a hair spa. If you are also planning to try this but aren’t sure, do read the blog to understand hair spa, its benefits, doing it at home and some important tips.

What Does Hair Spa Mean?

A Hair spa is a rejuvenating therapy that makes hair lustrous and smooth. It instantly de-stresses and calms one’s mind. The usual steps of a hair spa include an oil massage, hair mask, shampoo and conditioning.

Advantages of a Hair Spa Treatment

It Helps Repair Hair Damage

Your hair can get damaged due to colouring, heat styling, improper diet, stress, pollution etc. Regular hair spa treatments help moisturise and strengthen hair. It makes hair appear shiny and healthy.

Boosts Blood Circulation in the Scalp

Head massage, part of a hair spa procedure, stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, making it easier for hair follicles to receive nutrients and oxygen. It leads to a healthy scalp, improvement in hair texture, and growth.  

Relieves Stress & Relaxes Your Mind

Sadly, most of us deal with stress in some form like work, relationships, home etc. Various techniques used in hair spas to massage the scalp can help you relax and calm down. It also relieves pain from shoulder and neck areas, thanks to the acupressure massage on relaxation points.

It Makes Hair Roots Strong

Healthy hair and a faster growth rate aren’t possible without solid hair roots. Oil massage, hair masks and other steps in hair spa nourish and strengthen the hair follicles leading to a decrease in hair fall.

How to Do a Hair Spa?

You can visit a salon and get it done by a professional. Discuss the hair issues that may be bothering you. The hairstylist can suggest a customised hair spa treatment based on your hair type and condition. There are hair spas for different concerns such as hair fall, coloured hair, dandruff and oily hair. You can ask the hairstylist about the products and share your queries/doubts. Another way to do a hair spa is at home. Let’s explore that in detail!!

Hair Spa Treatment That You Can Try at Home


Begin with Oiling Your Hair

Choose oil depending on your hair concern and type. E.g. coconut oil is excellent for dry and damaged hair. At the same time, sesame oil is ideal for heat-damaged hair. After deciding on the oil, warm it a little and apply it gently, massaging it all over your scalp. Leave it for about 20-25 minutes and wash with a mild shampoo. 

Point to be Noted: Always ensure that you aren’t allergic to the oil you will be using. 


Steaming Your Hair

Steaming is a vital step that you should never skip. It opens the pores and allows the oil to penetrate and absorb the nutrients of the oil. You can do it by using an appliance, and if you don’t have it, no worries. Heat some water in a utensil. Next, dip a cotton cloth/towel once the water is warm (be careful not to burn your hands). Squeeze the excess water from the cloth or towel and wrap it around your head for about 15 to 20 minutes. 


Wash Your Hair

After steaming, wash your hair with a mild hair cleanser. Only use lukewarm water. Avoid using hot water as it can be harmful to your hair. Avoid using a blow dryer and allow your hair to dry naturally. 


Apply a Hair Mask

Use a store-bought hair mask or create a hair mask at home. You can create hair masks with natural ingredients like aloe vera & coconut Oil/almond Oil hair mask or eggs & coconut oil hair mask. 


Rinse Your Hair

Finally, rinse your hair thoroughly. Do not rub vigorously while drying your hair, be gentle. You can use a serum if you feel like it and let it air dry. 

How Long Does the Effect of a Hair Spa Last?

Generally, the effect of a hair spa lasts for about 15-30 days. However, it may vary for each person based on their hair type, quality of products and issues. 

What Are the Disadvantages of Hair Spa?

  • A hair spa isn’t enough to get healthy hair. Along with it, you have to have a healthy lifestyle and a good hair care routine. 
  • Those who have scalp issues like dandruff or scalp psoriasis should discuss with your dermatologist if a hair spa will be beneficial or not, as sometimes it can aggravate your scalp condition.
  • If you have coloured hair, be careful. It can make your colour fade. Discuss with your hairstylist and ensure that the products to be used should be for coloured hair. 
  • For a majority, it can be an expensive affair to go for regular hair spa treatments. The average price of a hair spa may range from Rs. 600- Rs. 2000 and everyone may not consider this as a small amount to spend frequently. 

How Often Can You Go For a Hair Spa?

Ideally, once a month is fine, but those who frequently travel can opt for a hair spa twice a month. 

Things to Remember After Hair Spa 

  1. Do not wash your hair immediately or at least 2-3 days after a hair spa treatment.
  2. Avoid styling your hair just after you have done a hair spa.
  3. Skip using heat styling tools too. 
  4. Protect your hair from Ultraviolet rays and other environmental factors. 
  5. Wear a hat or cover your hair with a cotton cloth. 
  6. Avoid tying your hair tightly as it may cause hair loss.
  7. Take a diet that has iron, protein and other essential nutrients. 

Summing Up

Hair spa treatments are a great addition to your hair care routine. It gives you smooth, shiny and healthy hair. However, a hair spa will only work if you take care of other aspects like diet, lifestyle and minimising heat styling. Get regular hair spas and flaunt hair that’s beautiful as well as strong. 


The natural remedies mentioned in the blog are the widely popular ones. It is in no way a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Avoid using these if you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies. 

Before trying any natural remedy, always test a small quantity on your skin to check for any adverse reactions or allergies to any particular ingredient. In case of emergency or any reaction, immediately connect with a doctor who can offer the proper treatment. 


  1. Is a hair spa good for your hair?

A hair spa is an excellent addition to your hair care routine that can give you lustrous and healthy hair. Though, you need to do it regularly and pay attention to your diet. Look for a hair spa treatment suitable for your hair and the concerns that you wish to address.

  1. Does a hair spa help straighten hair?

No, a hair spa doesn’t straighten your hair. It makes it smooth, manageable and glossy. The effects of a hair spa treatment may vary from person to person. 

  1. Which hair spa is the best?

Every hair type and concern will need a specific hair spa treatment. The best one is the one that works for you. Therefore, talk to your hairstylist to suggest the right hair spa treatment. 



Picture of Chaitali Nayak

Chaitali Nayak

A writer and a skincare fanatic, Chaitali believes that words and kindness can transform the world. She has a master’s degree in Advertising & Public Relations and has worked for various advertising agencies and digital marketing firms. With the help of expert dermatologists at CureSkin, she works towards creating content that helps eliminate misinformation related to skincare. The aim is to educate yet bring something exciting and new every time for the readers. When not busy writing, you can find her talking to her plants, eating, drawing or watching movies.