Suffering From Hyper

Try CureSkin, India’s #1 Skin Treatment App to treat all your Skin Problems such as acne scars, dandruff, melasma, dark spots, pigmentation, psoriasis and more!

Get Hyperpigmentation Skin Treatment Kit from the Best Dermatologists, TODAY.


Understanding Hyper

what casues hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is a common, usually harmless skin condition in which patches of skin become darker in color than the normal surrounding skin. This darkening occurs when an excess of melanin, the brown pigment that produces normal skin color, forms deposits in the skin. 

Darkened areas on the skin are the main symptoms of hyperpigmentation. Patches can vary in size and develop anywhere on the body.

skin problems, acne, acne scars, cureskin app

What Causes Hyperpigmentation?

The biggest risk factors for general hyperpigmentation are sun exposure and inflammation, as both situations can increase melanin production. The greater your exposure to the sun, the greater your risk of increased skin pigmentation.

Certain medications can cause hyperpigmentation.

 Pregnancy changes hormone levels and can affect melanin production in some women.

The hyperpigmentation is a direct result of an increased level of a hormone in your body that results in increased melanin synthesis.

 Excessive sun exposure can also cause an increase in melanin.

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How CureSkin Solves Your Skin Problem?

CureSkin is an AI-driven Dermatologist App designed by expert skin specialists in India. With just your photo, Cureskin home delivers you a Customised Skin Treatment Kit given by a Dermatologist who has analysed your skin concerns thoroughly. 

Skin Care Regimen


1. Cleansing Agent

Helps clean your skin gently

2. Sun Protection Cream

Helps avoid sun damage

3. Repair Product

Helps reduce dark spots on your face.

4. Hydrant

Helps keep your skin moisturised


Trusted by
1 Million+ People!

Google Ratings
Dermatologically Safe
100 %
Darkspot Cases treated
3 K+

How CureSkin works

4 Simple Steps To Solve Your Hyperpigmentation Problems

Step 1

Choose Hyperpigmentation as your skin concern on the App and provide details

Step 2

Upload Pictures of Your Face and get your skin analysed

Step 3

Your personal Dermatologist will prescribe you a Customized Hyperpigmentation Treatment Kit

Step 4

Once you receive your kit, start using it as directed to see the improvements

Regular follow-ups are done by your Dermatologist to make sure that your dark spots are lightening.

All with a TAP on your phone at the comfort of your home!

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Customer Reviews

People Who Suffered Hyperpigmentation
has THIS to say about CureSkin!


Frequently Asked Questions on Hyperpigmentation Problems

Dark spots on the skin are not harmful. Many choose to remove them for cosmetic reasons. 

However, if you notice a weird-looking new mole or an existing mole with any of the following characteristics, consult a dermatologist to rule out possible skin cancers:-

  1. Asymmetry
  2. Irregular borders
  3. Irregular colour
  4. Changing colour

Dark Spots do not vanish. It may fade with the right skin treatment. The newer the spot is, the easier it is to get rid of it. It depends on the depth of the damage too. Take a skin test on CureSkin App and find out more.

Natural or home remedies are not always 100% effective. They take much longer time to work. The best way is to take Dermatologist’s help to get rid of your Dark Spots, they know best.

Get Treatments For All Your Skin Problems

(Without Even Visiting a Skin Care Clinic)

✔ Acne/Pimple Treatment

✔ Hyper Pigmentation

✔ Tan Removal 

✔ Psoriasis   

✔ Dark Spots Reduction

 ✔ Hypersensitivity

✔ Rashes 

✔ Acne Scars

✔ Hair fall and Thinning

✔ Hyper Pigmentation

✔ Sun Tanning

and more….

Witness your Hyperpigmentation Go Away with the Best Skin Care App - CureSkin