Trying to survive everyday life without getting a scratch on us is far tougher than it sounds. It may be from something as small as a skirmish with your feisty sibling. It could also be a persistent pimple or acne that shows up on the same spot despite your tirades of abuse against it, but they all leave a parting gift in the form of a scar.
What is a Scar?
A scar is the human body’s version of a hasty cover-up, and the American Academy of Dermatology defines a scar as a residual mark from the healing of a wound(1). The skin’s outermost layer is known as the epidermis while the layer underneath it is the dermis.
Whenever a wound is inflicted, damaging the dermis, it immediately gets to work on creating a cover over the wound to protect it from bacteria and germs. This cover is in the form of a structural protein called collagen that is produced by fibroblasts sent from the dermis(2).
Also read: What happens when you don’t get your Acne scars treated
The collagen can be called the skin’s best friend, the big protector in their playground who protects the vulnerable skin from the bullies, so to speak. Unfortunately, it is often our worst nightmare, because it’s the reason why scars are evident on our skin. In its haste to cover up, the collagen isn’t always allowed to settle in a neat lattice pattern as that of normal skin.
This forms the characteristic lumps and indents that stand out on your skin, either when you’re retelling your heroic stories of how you got it or trying to hide your clumsiness.
How bad are Acne scars?
Acne is a skin abnormality which occurs when glands known as the sebaceous glands(3) get clogged, which leads to an infection and swelling. These glands when functioning normally secrete oils which attribute to oily skin and scalp. Wounds caused by pimples and acne and other skin conditions cause the scars on the face. This is what usually happens when you avoid getting your acne scar treatment.

Types of Acne scars
There are two main categories of Acne scars namely Atropic scars (scars caused by a loss of tissues) and Hypertrophic scars (scars caused by an excess of tissues). Treatment for each of these types is different and specific to the condition of your skin. Over-the counter medications aren’t effective enough and may in some cases cause red marks or other such reactions. Only a dermatologist can analyse which type of scar you are suffering from and which treatment will suit your skin type.
How to get rid of Acne scars?
Having healthy and normal looking skin tone is actually quite possible if the acne is treated with medicine and the right skin care routine for your skin type from the beginning.
If you want to get rid of Acne scars , you will have to make sure you treat your acne properly. Acne prone skin needs to be given extra attention and care to ensure the breakout doesn’t leave scars.
To always be aware of the condition of your skin means spotting inconsistencies and possible damage at an early stage. After all, prevention is known to be better than cure. This means early detection is an important step in Acne treatment.

CureSkin is the answer!
An eruption on your skin could be anything from a benign blackhead to a serious cyst formation. Hence never should we simply turn a blind eye towards the changes in our skin. That, if followed as a primary rule for skin care, would ensure a much healthier future for your skin.
CureSkin app analyses your condition to give you the best treatment for your skin type. You do not have to even step outside your home and your customized treatment will be delivered to your doorstep, once you order your regimen. This also includes follow-ups by skin specialists and dermatologists to ensure your treatment is coming along well.
Thousands of users tried CureSkin when they did not know how to get rid of Acne scars and were considering expensive laser treatment. All of them are satisfied with their treatment and happy with their skin today. You too can get flawless skin and healthy hair.
If you have been struggling with Acne scars and still haven’t taken any treatment, CureSkin should be your next step. Click here and Download the app now!