Hand Calluses: How to fix them?

how to treat hand calluses

What do hand calluses tell you about someone? To us, it indicates hard work, life experience and mystery. To some people, the calluses on their hands must mean they work out or that they take part in physical labour.

But it can also mean your hands need a little extra loving! So let’s talk about hand calluses and what you can do to help your hands heal and stay soft.

What are hand calluses?

Hand calluses are hardened and layered parts of your skin, which are caused due to repeated exposure to friction and pressure. Any part of your body that you are continuously subjecting to physical stress is prone to develop calluses.

Are hand calluses harmful?

They are not harmful. Most commonly, they appear on your palms, or on the foot, or even your elbows. Although they are not as severe or painful as foot corns, calluses can still be a sore sight on otherwise healthy-looking skin. They can leave a lasting mark on your appearance.

Most people who work out or excessively use their hands for physically strenuous activity are prone to developing calluses on their hands. If left unattended, they can become a permanent presence on your hand.

Hand calluses exhibit themselves as hardened and thick layers of skin, which form in regions that experience more friction and pressure than other parts. This is the skin’s instinctive reaction to protect itself against possible damage. Whereas normal skin can easily get damaged by extra friction, thicker and tougher skin is more resilient to it.

Can hand calluses get infected?

While calluses on their own are no reason for a medical concern, there are instances where people attempt to cut out the thickened areas of the skin. This increases the chances of infections, especially if done by people with no medical education. Doctors often advise people to leave their calluses alone and to protect those areas from further pressure. This ensures a softening of the calluses over time.

Prevention is the best way to deal with calluses, wherein you can find different ways to protect your sensitive skin even while physically exerting yourself. Protective gloves and padding are just a few of the numerous solutions available today to reduce the formation of calluses.

Can one get calluses from weightlifting?

As mentioned previously, any physical activity that applies excessive pressures on the hands or feet can cause the formation of calluses. In this case, weightlifting is one such activity that can easily trigger calluses to form on the palms. But this will only happen if bare hands are continuously used and left unprotected or unpadded.

How to remove hand calluses?

Since hand calluses are not a medically severe skin condition, people tend to treat them at home and find ways to prevent them in general. Here are some of the more common household treatments that may help in treating hand calluses:

1. Soaking in hot water

Callused areas show a significant improvement when soaked in warm water for a short period of time. Gently rubbing the area post the soaking can help in removing the calluses layer by layer.

2. Apple cider vinegar

This home ingredient contains salicylic acid, which is known to soften skin and break down hardened layers of skin that form the calluses. However, people should be mindful of the amounts of vinegar they apply to the skin since certain people are sensitive to the product and can experience mild burning.

3. Pumice stone

The use of pumice stone on the affected areas rarely tends to go wrong, especially for stubborn calluses on the foot. Using a pumice stone to rub on the calluses priorly soaked in warm water can be an easy and definite way to soothe the callused regions. This is also a safer option than other home remedies.

The silver lining

Overall, hand callus is a skin condition that need not be a massive concern for people and can be easily treated even without the constant help of a dermatologist. But if ever in doubt, you know who to call!


The natural remedies mentioned in the blog are the widely popular ones. It is in no way a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Avoid using these if you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies. 

Before trying any natural remedy, always test a small quantity on your skin to check for any adverse reactions or allergies to any particular ingredient. In case of emergency or any reaction, immediately connect with a doctor who can offer the proper treatment.


1. Do hand calluses go away?

Hand calluses can go away on their own. It helps to take care of your skin at home by moisturising it.

2. What do calluses look like?

Calluses are hardened parts of the skin and appear to be yellowish in colour.

3. Why do calluses grow back?

If you continue to expose parts of your skin to harsh conditions, then they will keep coming back.

4. How do you permanently get rid of calluses?

If you keep up with your daily skincare and wear a protective covering in a harsh environment, you can prevent calluses. However, this is only possible if the required care is taken.


Calluses on the hand making your touch feel rough? Download the CureSkin App now by clicking here and get soft, smooth hands. It’s easy, fast and affordable! 



Picture of Dr Jisha Gomez

Dr Jisha Gomez

She is a highly skilled dermatology physician with strong expertise in improving skin & hair health through the development of corrective treatment combinations. She completed her Post-graduate Diploma in Dermatology from Cardiff, UK & Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine (FAM) from the Institute of Laser and Aesthetic Medicine, Delhi with over 5+ years experience treating skin patients. She has worked in Government hospitals in Trivandrum and Bangalore. She is actively involved in creating awareness for healthy skin, breaking the social stigma based on skin colour & stopping steroid abuse in our country.