Vitamin D Deficiency: How Work From Home Is Affecting You!

vitamin D deficiency - work from hom

Staying indoors while working from home for a long time? Though lockdown, social distancing and quarantine have served us well in dodging covid-19, it has created an unpleasant side effect, too – vitamin D deficiency. 

These days, the usual routine is to stay inside homes and only step out when there’s no other choice. While this is a responsible lifestyle in today’s pandemic, it is certainly depriving you of sunlight, causing Vitamin D deficiency. Most Vitamin D that the body needs is synthesised in your skin with sun exposure using ultraviolet (UVB) rays. Other than this, diet and supplements can also offer vitamin D to the body. 

Hence, staying home almost most of the time and hardly going out is a sure shot way to have an insufficient amount of vitamin D. Wondering if a vitamin D deficiency is a big deal for your overall health and well-being? Read further

Why is Vitamin D Important for Your Body?

  • It is important as it aids in maintaining the health of your bones and teeth.
  • Your body needs vitamin D to process and absorb calcium from the gut.
  • It is a nutrient that strengthens bone tissues and is vital for several other roles for the proper functioning of your body. 
  • It is crucial for skin protection as it helps in skin cell growth, repair, metabolism and prevents skin ageing.

What Happens When Your Body Lacks Vitamin D?

  • Infections and autoimmune diseases due to a weak immune system are common among people who lack Vitamin D.
  • Calcium alone can’t build bone strength; you need Vitamin D too. Otherwise, your bone density will deteriorate. 
  • Regeneration of bone cells slows down, causing premature bone-related problems. 
  • Being deficient in vitamin D can also increase your risk of developing diabetes. 
  • The chance of suffering fractures, joint pains and inflammations may increase.
  • It can also lead to specific cancers, including cancers of the oesophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, gallbladder etc.

Can Low Vitamin D Lead to Skin Problems?

  • Vitamin D has a substantial impact on your skin health. The lack of this essential nutrient can lead to various dermatological diseases.
  • One may frequently suffer from dry, itchy skin and psoriasis.
  • Low levels of vitamin D can accelerate skin ageing and increase the risk of skin cancer.
  • Loss of skin colour in patches (vitiligo) is also associated with this deficiency.
  • Hair loss and skin diseases become more prevalent.
  • Low levels of vitamin D can hamper the process of wound healing.  

How Can You Get Vitamin D? 

Through Sun Exposure

Expose your skin to the sun, after applying your sunscreen for a short period every day, preferably in the morning and evening, avoiding peak sun hours. Also, be careful as too much sun can cause suntan, skin ageing, cancers and much more.


Food sources are an excellent option to get vitamin D. Some of the dietary sources of vitamin D are fatty fish, egg yolks, mushrooms and cheese. You can also include fortified foods in your diet. These are food products that have added nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and micronutrients. Examples of fortified food items are cow’s milk, cereal, orange juice, oatmeal and yoghurt. 


Before taking supplements, it is crucial to ensure that you have low Vitamin D levels in your body. You can consult with your doctor, who can suggest some tests to check your vitamin D levels. If you are deficient, they can recommend supplements that would be useful.

Summing Up 

Vitamin D is a highly vital nutrient for your body. Many of us neither realise its importance nor are aware of its deficiency. The good news is you can increase your vitamin D levels through diet, sun exposure and supplements. If you feel you may have low levels of this nutrient or have other queries, consult with your doctor. 


1. What are some of the signs/symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?

The symptoms of low vitamin D aren’t obvious and may or may not be visible. It can even take years for you to notice any signs. Though, at times you may come across the following symptoms:

  • Bone pain
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Muscle ache, weakness or cramps

2. What are the causes of vitamin D deficiency?

Given below are some of the reasons for vitamin D deficiency:

  • Limited sun exposure
  • Less consumption of food sources that have the nutrient, especially vegans
  • Being overweight
  • Health Conditions

3. Can you check vitamin D levels at home?

No, it is best to get it checked by your doctor, who will suggest some tests to figure out if you are deficient in vitamin D or not. 

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Picture of Chaitra K

Chaitra K

I’m a Skin Care Enthusiast from Bangalore, a writer here @CureSkin teamed up with Expert Dermatologists to spread awareness on the right kind of skin and hair care for men and women. Inspiring people to explore the skin and hair care that suits their need and help them look and feel beautiful is my full-time job. Skin & hair problems affect every person's self-esteem and confidence. Hence I love helping people by giving them the best information about skin and hair health with my writing, driven by the BEST Dermatologists.