How PCOD Affects Your Skin: What You Can Do About It!

PCOD skin effects

Are you diagnosed with PCOD too?   Did you know – More than 1 in 5 women suffer from this hormonal disorder? It’s now the #1 health issue facing women today. Sadly, skin problems in women with PCOD are very common. It changes the way your skin looks and feels that will be evident even for others. Unfortunately,  it’s a battle most people don’t understand. 

Common skin problems due to PCOD:

  1. Unwanted facial and body hair: PCOD causes male pattern of excessive hair growth on the beard area, chest, stomach, and inner thighs. 
  2. Oily skin: Because of hormonal changes in the body, you might develop oily skin, which clogs the pores and causes acne.
  3. Mild to severe acne: Acne is quite common among women diagnosed with PCOD/PCOS. This can leave behind scars.
  4. Boil like lumps: PCOD may also result in an inflammatory condition that results in boil-like lumps in the armpits, groin and under the breasts

Additionally, you may have to endure the development of skin tags, dark spots on the skin, especially around the neck area, female pattern hair loss and much more that can be extremely distressing.

Wait! Here’s great news! Despite having PCOD, you can still have beautiful, glowing skin.

How NOT to let PCOD bother your skin:

To deal with PCOS-related skin problems, a change in lifestyle is a must. PCOD, like many disorders, responds positively to proactive lifestyle choices. Here’s what you have to do:

  1. Achieve Ideal Weight:
    Losing weight reduces insulin and androgen levels and may restore ovulation, which brings back PCOD under control. Ask your dietician for a weight-loss program and follow accordingly. 
  2. Eat healthy, let food become your medicine.
    Limit carbohydrates. Ask your doctor about a low-carbohydrate diet if you have PCOS. 
  3. Intake vitamins supplements
    Add missing nutrients to your body. Nutritional supplementation may contribute to overcoming PCOS and hence skin-related problems.
  4. Exercise to maintain a healthy weight.
    Be active. Increased activity and regular exercising help lower blood sugar levels, which is directly related to PCOD.
  5. Think positive.
    Every thought has a positive response. Do not underestimate the power of positive thinking.
  6. Very often, medication is necessary. 

Consult your gynaecologist to help diagnose and treat your symptoms of PCOD including irregular periods. For skin and hair related changes due to underlying PCOD, it is best to consult an expert dermatologist. They know how to treat it best.

PCOD is a medical condition that affects your body inside and out. It hampers your self-esteem, social life and bank accounts, but let it not define you! Work on you, for you.

Needs advice on dealing with PCOD-related skin problems?

Get a customized PCOD skin treatment kit given by an expert dermatologist 

skin care



Picture of Dr Jisha Gomez

Dr Jisha Gomez

She is a highly skilled dermatology physician with strong expertise in improving skin & hair health through the development of corrective treatment combinations. She completed her Post-graduate Diploma in Dermatology from Cardiff, UK & Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine (FAM) from the Institute of Laser and Aesthetic Medicine, Delhi with over 5+ years experience treating skin patients. She has worked in Government hospitals in Trivandrum and Bangalore. She is actively involved in creating awareness for healthy skin, breaking the social stigma based on skin colour & stopping steroid abuse in our country.